Inflammatory breast Cancer - Words I had never heard before

Hi Everyone

Thank you all so much for the positive posts. I have now had 2 out of 8 chemo sessions and the onc says she can feel a softening and slight shrinkage of the mass. I need an new MRI to confirm but she seemed very upbeat.

The chemo is hard but now I know that it is having an effect hopefully I can cope easier.

It has surprised me how quickly I seem to have gone from absolutely terrified to OK I didn’'t choose this but now I have it lets get on and deal with it.

My family are amazing. They know that I don’t want it to be the sole topic of conversation and are there for whatever I need, be it company ,advise on how I deal with the hair loss or practical support when I feel too tired to venture as far as the supermarket.

The hospital staff are such kind considerate people that they help enormously just by having a calming air about them.

Chemo No.3 is next week assuming blood counts are OK and strangely I look forward to another step towards next year and normality.

Love to all


Hi Andie,

Lovely to hear from you.
I felt very reassured once my treatment had started too, felt I was ‘doing’ something and looked forward to ticking the chemo cycles off! The staff at my chemo unit were fantastic, there if you need reassurance but calm, kind and professional all the time. I felt I was in safe hands.

Hope no. 3 goes well and your bloods behave. I’ve just started cycle 8 of my xeloda/lapatinib. Things are still going well.

Take Care,
Jackie x

Apologies, chemo brain had kicked in and hadn’t noticed it was posts from 2008, so deleted mine.

Snap…didnt see this was from 2008! Doh