Just wanted to know what people thought of this situation.
i was due to go for a job interview today but as i only came out of hospital on saturday after having reduction on good side, and in considerable pain, i phoned to ask if i could postpone the interview. HR department phoned me to ask when i felt i would be up to being interviewed and i asked them to give me a week to 2 weeks, so they were sending me a new date out.
I have just heard from HR to say that because they are unable to reconvene the panel they won’t be able to interview me!!!
Not sure what i feel at the moment, part of me thinks have they already recruited today, can i be bothered cauisnf a fuss if they are only going to be going through the mtions interviewing me.
Is there any policy that says they have to interview me?
i feel it is very unfair on someone who is off sick through no fault of thier own and the operation was vey las minute, ie, got a call on Thursday to say can you come in next Tuesday.
Sorry for going on, would apprecaite any advice.
Marg xx
you may be covered by the disability discrimination act but I can remember being told I had an interview but it took place when I was on holiday and they weren’t willing to reschedule it, even though they’d put off the shortlisting for months. I decided they were so incompetent I didn’t want the job anyway but it’s a pain applying for something and then not being able to go for the interview. On another occasion I was apparently shortlisted and offered an interview but I didn’t get the letter about the interview so missed out. Again I blamed the organisation and decided I didn’t want to work for them
Hi Mole,
My boss was furious when she found out what had happened and as it the same authority she is taking it up with them because as you say it is discrimination. they did offer me another date for interview eventually as i had kicked up a fuss, but i decided i didn’t want to go for it anyway. BC certainly makes you stronger when dealing with things. At one time i wouldn’t have kicked up such a fuss!!
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