Is anybody Diabetic and going through Chemo?

I was recently diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, although borderline, it was picked up in my pre-op assessment.

My GP said that usually it would be monitored with low sugar diet, but he decided to put me on Metformin tablets so I am prepared for my surgery next Spring.

I have been told that my glucose levels will have to be carefully monitored after my Chemo. I was just wondering if anybody else on the forums is Diabetic and how you are getting along with Chemo etc?



Hi Daisie

I was “picked up” on my pre-op tests but for Type 2 & was put straight onto Metformin & a Statin; my father has Type 2 & I probably got it from him as it runs in the family. Also I was not overweight/no symptoms/healthy diet/regularly went to gym/swimming.

That was last September (2010) & now my glucose levels are back to normal; my cholesterol (was normal) but the balance between the “good n bad” is much better. I have a diabetic clinic appointment next week.

I didn’t need chemo thankfully; but I’m sure they will keep an eye on your glucose levels as if they are as near normal as they can be you should be in better health to cope with what the chemo brings.

If you want more info please go to Diabetic uk site. They have a good information/article which outlines the care you should receive; I downloaded it & printed it off; as it gave me a few questions to ask when I see my diabetic nurse next week.

I would say since being picked up a few other health niggles which I put down to heartburn/indigestion have disappeared; no matter how much red I drink!

Take care

Hi Lynne

Thanks for your reply - I am Type 2 (not 1) and also on Metformin 500mg. Have always had a sweet tooth - cakes, biscuits, chocolate! Have to cut down on sugary things big time!

Will check out the website you suggested. Many thanks.

Paula x