Is anyone on Letrozole?

Hi All

I was diagnosed with SBC last October. I have it in my lung, lymph nodes & possibly spine. I have
been on Letrozole for the last 6 mths and are due for a scan in June. Is anyone else out there going
through something similar

Hi MaggotFM

I’m sorry to read of your recent didgnosis.  You might find you receive more replies from the other users if you post your message in the secondary Breast Cancer section, which you can find if you follow this link:-

In the meantime do give the helpline a call on 0808 800 6000.  Here you can share your thoughts and any questions you may have with a member of staff who will offer you a listening ear as well as emotional support and practical information.  Lines are open weekdays 9 to 5pm and Saturday 10 to 2pm.

Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator 

Yes I take Letrozole have been taking it 7 months I had BC grade 3 invasive.