Is it possible to be pain free?

Absolutely fantastic news, so so pleased for you Dawn !! xx

It’s lovely to read your update Dawn. Terrific news! xx

That is wonderful news Dawn, you must be soo happy with your progress so far and still scope to tweak it to perfection. You will be wondering what to do with yourself with all these extra pain free hours in your day, but I expect the grandchildren will feature :slight_smile:
Lots of hugs
Nicky xxx

Brilliant news Dawn. You are a real pioneer going for this.
Hope things continue to improve and you can go into summer with a spring in your step.

Hope things are still improving for you Dawn. Glad your op is over. The only way is up now. Hugs. Val

Well done Dawn. such a brave girl. Hope you feel better now.x x valia

This is fantastic news Dawn. You must feel so good x
Suzanne x

Thank you all so much for your encouragement. Everything has settled down well from the surgery but there have been a few ups and downs with the pain. Some days it is still a bit hard to control but I have been back a couple of times now to see the pain consultant and she is still slowly increasing the dosage and the extra boosts I can give with my little ‘mouse’.
She has asked me if she can take me along to a two-day course that is offering participants (including palliative physicians, pain specialists, anaesthetists, general practitioners) called ‘The sharp edge of Pain’ where she is one of the speakers. She would like to demonstrate how they do refills and adjustments to the pump and for me to answer any questions those attending want to ask the patient. Should be quite interesting - I won’t be going for the whole 2 days LOL, just a bit of the afternoon of the 2nd day. I have since looked up the 2 consultants on the Pain team looking after me and it is very reassuring to read that the one I see has a specific interest in cancer pain and palliative care, and the other later developed an interest in pain control, and in particular morphine metabolism. So I do feel that if I am to get control of this pain I couldn’t be in better hands.

Hi Dawn, I’m golightly but got another account as couldn’t remember my login! Crazy! Just been reading all the posts re your procedure with great interest. wow! I’m hoping t.hings are still improving for you. Lots of love to you, and I’m so glad you have come through so well . Is the pain much improved now? Xxxxx I’m off to check out lemongrove and see how she has been too xxxxx katy

Hi Dawn
Hoping for many pain-free days for you.