About two weeks ago I felt a strange itching sensation under my nipple. I didnt think too much about it, but about 7 days ago I could feel a small pea sized lump under my nipple and subsequently my nipple inverted…
I went to the doctor the next day, and have an appointment at the breast clinic on the 25th.
Stupidly I ‘googled’ the symptoms and am now scared that I seem to have several symptoms… Does this mean that the likelihood is greater?
Hi oscarbailey
You are right that googling symptoms is a bad idea! The most important thing is to get it checked out. 80% of lumps are benign and, if not, the sooner treated the better. None of us can possibly say what is wrong with you but we all understand what you are going through. Please keep us posted, as we worry!!
Take care
Julia xx
Thank you Julia,
Just being able to ‘speak out loud’, albeit typing on a forum, is a relief. I dont feel that I can speak to my family about it, it is too soon. My voice is screaming in my head, this forum is the only outlet I have at the moment - and very much appreciated.
Many thanks
I agree. You have done the right thing and you will have it checked out properly at the hospital. We know exaxtly how you feel so if you need a hand to hold we are here to help you through it.
really sorry you’re having this worry! I found waiting the hardest. Don’t be alone whilst you wait for your appointment, you’ll get lots of support from the lovely ladies on this forum so share your worries rather than driving yourself round the bend. Fingers crossed
Katie x x x
Hi oscarbailey
It sounds like you’re having a pretty worrying time at the moment. You may find it helpful to have a look at the BCC booklet ‘referral to a breast clinic’. It gives information about what to expect at the clinic and details of the different tests you may have. If you would like a copy or to read this on line just follow this link:-
I hope this is helpful.
Kind regards
Sam (BCC Facilitator)
Thank you all, for all advise / links.
I am reluctant to post any more messages as I am all too aware that lots of ladies on here have been diagnosed - and I am only at the unknown stage. But it really is an invaluable forum, and the one place that I dont feel I have to hide or put on a brave face.
Its only been 5 days since I saw my GP, and another 6 before I go to the clinic - but it has been the longest few days of my life.
I have gone from manic ‘googling’ (although stopped that!) Trying not to think about it at all, but am overwhelmed by the ‘what if’s’.
Have all of my insurance details ready to go, researched my critical illness and health insurance… trying to cover all basics as I know that I will be a complete mess if this is bad news.
So in advance, apologies if I post without any real content.
Oscarbailey - this is what this section of the forums are for! If you’re worried or stressed and just need advice or a rant. Don’t feel like you can’t post your hopes or fears because that’s what everyone’s on the forums for - to help.x
Post away! None of us mind and have probably done it ourselves, I know I did. OK, so most of us have breast cancer, but that means we understand!
Julia xx
Not good news…
Back to clinic next week to discuss treatment plan.
Thank you to everyone who posted, they were all very much appreciated.
Hi oscarbaileey,
sorry to hear you’ve received some bad news. please keep on posting and chatting to us. Many of us have been through the worrying time of possible diagnosis, waitng for confirmation and treatment plans and know how you feel.
Hi Oscarbailey
so sorry you’ve had bad news - hope you’ll keep posting - lots of us here to support you.
take care and be kind to yourself
monica xx
Oscarbailey,Sorry to hear it is not good news,did they give you any details.Its OK if you don’t want to share,its just might help to talk to some with a similar diagnosis.
Once you get a plan of action at least you will feel something is being done.Just take small steps ,one day at a time.Easier said than done I know!
Do you have support at home,family,friends?
You know that we are here for you good days and bad days.
Big hugs
Hi Oscarbailey
so sorry you’ve had bad news - hope you’ll keep posting - lots of us here to support you.
take care and be kind to yourself
monica xx
So sorry that you’ve had bad news. Getting a treatment plan does help to focus and, I find, helped to deal with things. It’s one step at a time and that time does fly by. Let us know wnat your treatment plan is, if you have any unanswered questions or concerns. As you know, we’ve all been there or are going through it.
Take care
Julia xx
Hi Oscar Bailey
Sorry you have been given bad news this forum is brilliant a good place to get things off your chest the people on it are very supportive and your get good info on anything thats worrying you
Take care Carolyn
I am still too stunned… living in a fog at the moment.
I need to go back and see consultant as the only thing I can remember is him saying “very large” and “very concerned”…
At the moment I am trying to remain calm and not allow my family to see how bloody scared I am.
I am scheduled to go back on Monday.
On a lighter note… when I was having the core biopsy, as soon as I saw the needle I started counting out loud - when he stopped, I asked is that it? He replied, “that was the anaesthetic”.
Hi oscarbailey, when i was first diagnosed (july09) both myself and my partner were in total shock for the first few weeks. My tumour was originally misdiagnosed and so by then had grown to 8cm. It was a grade 3 triple negative (not receptive to hormones) and i remember a similar attitude of this doesnt look good from my oncologist. I have since had 8 cycles of chemo and a mastectomy and aux clearance. Today at my appt with oncologist he was discussing effects from radiotherapy that i may get, he said but they probably wont present until about 10yrs away. He has never looked that far ahead before. I guess what i am trying to say is that even though things may not look great, it can get better, and you can kick this disease in to touch. One thing i have learnt in all this is you are a lot stronger than you realise, take it a day at a time, and soon you will have it all behind you.
take care
Hi oscarbailey, read this thread and felt i had to post a comment.I was diagnosed sept09 with large tumour 6cm by MRI scan, i’ve just finished my last chemo which was to shrink the tumour, which it has quite alot, lymph nodes involved too. having op for mastectomy in mid feb.Feeling just the same, scared trying to keep it together,its not easy but i have found this forum really comforting at times to know that you’re not on you’re own. Leselyx
Thank you for all your posts.