Is this lymphedema?

I’ve got the autumn newsletter form the lymphodema society. In it is an article on low-level laser treatment and lymphodema. It says that:

‘its application is particularly beneficial when there is fibrosis (hardening) of the tissues … in reducing the swelling, softening the tissues, improving scars and improving how the limb feels’.

It does though point out that :
‘if there is little or no fibrotic tissue - there is little point of laser treatment’.

More generally on other treatments for lymphodema it says that:

'there will never be large volumes of strong evidence from large scale clinical trials for any of the range of treatments for lymphodema (as there are not the funds to conduct them) so often decisions need to be made on the best available information ’

With 1 in 9 women now developing breast cancer there will probably lots more of us around with lymphodema. Seems incredible to me that this hasn’t been researched.

am with you on the need for far more research being needed.It is shocking the lack of knowledge that is out there,and that is from doctors and bcn’s ! What also concerns me is the fact that breast cancer sufferers are not routinely given enough info about lymphoedema. It’s as if ah you have got over your cancer and we have dealt with that we don’t have to bother you with this ! I am sure there must be a huge under reporting with cases of lymphoedema , I wouldn’t have known to do anything about it if it hadn’t been for this forum as I was told " ahh it’s just one of these things and will settle down ! "

We have a nurse that works out of a local hospital,has all sorts of patients not just breast cancer ones. The mld works so effectively for me as my arm mainly behaves itself but also have it in my breast and side and having someone else doing a massage for you just appears to be far more effective in getting it shifted.

Sandra x

I should probably ask my doc this but don’t think he has much knowledge on lymphedema stuff.So wondered if any one here could advise me.
I had WLE and Sentinel node stuff done,which was clear 4.5yrs ago. Was only told then to not get scratched or cut on that arm for what I assumed was ‘for a while’ No other info given but didn’t ask.But then if you don’t know what to ask about, how can you!! anyway, does anyone know after this length of time does the suncream/cover up message that I have seen on here still apply? Is it a lifetime thing or after this long, not an issue. Many thanks

Unfortunately, the risk is life long. So keep up with precautions and hopefully you’ll never have any problems.

Make sure you don’t have your blood pressure taken on that arm or injections given in it. Suncream applies yes. Any cuts clean, spray on something like savlon and cover. No hot baths, or saunas. Nothing tight on that arm.
No heavy lifting with that arm (over 21b I’ve heard is the guide).

May be a good idea to keep doing the arm exercises.
Elinda x

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Hi again, I do have the DVD and my nurse has shown me the same SLD as on the DVD. What I was wanting to know was more about the SLD you can do on the arm itself and the hand. I thought by going to an MLD therapist I could see what she does and copy it at home.

It has surprised me how well the SLD works, my arm feels so much better. I’d like to just go that bit further with it so I can trial without the sleeve.