It has come back in my spine

Hi Claire, Think we have chatted before on here. I am so sorry to hear of your secondary diagnosis. You poor thing. I’ll be thinking of you when you are having the surgery and hope it all goes ok. So sorry to hear about your friend too, must be very hard for you. Teacup x

Hi Claire - Not been on here for about 5 years - Had BC back in 2003 when was 29 - reoccurance in 2005 and just found out got secondries in my spine and skull at 35. Having radio tommorrow on my back for the pain and waiting for a CT scan to find if it has spread further. Just trying to stay strong and positve and taking one day at a time at the moment. I Hope you surgery goes well this week and will be keeping everything crossed for you. Karen xx

Just to wish you luck for tomorrow and see you back on line soon.
Love Debsxxx

just hope everything is going ok for you claire, can’t believe that you’ve been ignored for so long. do they think us young ones don’t know our bodies or are they misinformed about young people and cancer?

Hi everyone sorry I have not posted sooner, the operation went well I was ment to be in for 5-7 days and was let out in 48 hours I did beg them to let me out LOL.
I feel fine a bit tired at times but much better than I had expected, the day I came out of hospital I went out shopping and did some cleaning my family and partner were not impresed.
I have started my bone treatment and Herceptin again and also Prostrap which all went ok, except on the way home I felt very faint and sick but dint want to go back to the hospital so just came home and slept. I have had miagranes since the treatement which I have everyday and it is driving me mad as i am once again always in more pain.
I also started Radiotherapy yesterday which all went fine.
Thank you for your messages
All my Love Clairemm x x x

Glad the op went well Claire and that you’re back home - don’t go over doing things just yet though, look after yourself. Migraines are a nightmare, I’ve had them since I was about 14 years old and they’re very debilitating so hope you can be prescribed something to help with those.

Take care

Lesley x

I am also glad it went well. Please don’t overdo things, take it easy.
Love Debsxxx

Thank you for your commentsa I wont overdo it i have my paretns and Partner keeping a close eye on me. x x x

Hi Claire,

I am amazed that you were out of hospital so soon, and walking and shopping Unbelieveable. Apart from anything else I held the record at my spinal unit of 5 days, so you have well rubbed my nose in it. I daresay they will take away my bravery badge now!

Are you going to have chemo now, not sure what postrap is. I can tell you now, tha after my opereation I was ina wheelchair for some time, I had nerve damage which I think happened prior to the op. Now I just walk with a jaunty limp occasionally. I am really pleased that you have not had this experience.

As the others have said - take it easy. Make sure you rest when you need to. As for your migraines, the pain control team should sort this out quite eaasily I would have thought. If you have a secondary BCN, I have found they are really good at getting appts and expediting all sorts of issues.

Let us know how you are doing

Take care

You really are amazing but do remember to rest and look after yourself - surgery is really punishing and you need to be a little careful- I cant belive you went shopping!!

I think the picture of you and your partner is really nice btw, you look great together.

hi honey.
i was informed that you had posted and i wanted to give you a (((hug))). do you still have the same email addi?
sorry to hear your news, dont know what to say, but i gather it is treatable.
take care. x