Itchy spotty scalp !

I had my second epi on october 14th and decided to have hair shaved off on 15th. Had a number 1 tough decision but could not face the hair on pillow in morning

Hi Jocie
I go for my second epi on Friday, my hair is still here but my scalp is tender and i have some spots on my head, its like being a teenager again, acne ahhhhhhhhhhhh
I know i dont want to wake up with my hair all over the pillow, but im also scared of having my head shaved, OH has offered to do it and he says he knows it will be hard and i might cry or we might even laugh, also my hairdresser who has been fantastic since my dx, she does my hair whenever i want and she wont take a penny, she has said she will come to our house and do it whenever im ready, Why is it so hard, it’s only hair and i know it will grow back, unlike my boob, that will need more surgery. I have my wig ready and its quite a good one and looks natural, but it’s not the same,
I will miss my OH running his fingers through my hair, and my daughter playing with it, I was growing it for my nieces wedding next June now i’ll just be glad to have some hair.


Hi Trojan,
I must admit the thought of biting the bullet and losing my hair was I think the hardest decision in all this so far, but must admit I got my hairdresser who is mobile to do it. Felt that in my own home and not facing a mirror was the best way to go . Have been told by my hairdresser that I have a beautiful shaped head not quite sure what good that does me but at least its nice to know! But can honestly say it really was not as bad as I thought and if it would just stop itching when I wear my wig I could cope but sure I will get used to it. I found it quite strange to think I had not been this bald for 59 years but it is strangely liberating not spending ages blow drying. Bite the bullet and good luck!

Hi shirl,

it is really difficult when your hair falls out but what I decided to do which worked for me was to have my hair cut as short as possible and then when it fell out it was easier to deal with. I haven’t had my head shaved as it wasn’t really necessary as the hair fell out by itself (and yes it does feel tender but I think it would feel like that if the head were shaved too as it is the roots that cause that discomfor) but I have a fine fluff which I find quite comforting to touch. However I am due for my last chemo this coming week and have decided to now have the head shaven so all the hair growing through will be of the same lenth as some of the fluff is a bit longer than other bits. You must do what is right for you. My husband wanted me to have it all shaved off at the beginning thinking it would be for the best but I just couldn’t do it and my body did it by itself which seemed right for me. Also I still had a few strands by my ears which looked better when I wear the wig. It is all a horrible shock to the system as not only do you feel different physically but you take a look in the mirror and wonder who it is . Anyway whatever you decide good luck and you do get use to it after a while and at least we know that is purely cosmetic and will grow back.

all the best Bev

Hi all, my hair started to come out on day 17 of epi, it did not all come out but went really really thin. My husband shaved it off for me, and I was quite upset at first when I looked in the mirror, I have now finished epi, and had two cmf and my hair is coming back slowly but it is growing. You do get used to it although it does look strange at first. My first chemo was 18 August and here we are 27 October and growing back so hopefully it won’t be long before I have a decent growth. Take care love junieliz