It's official, I have Cancer

          I got my biopsy report.  I have a large Invasive Lobular Carcinoma.  Dr. says he can’t save the breast.  Dr. recommends a double MX.  He says if I don’t already have it in my other breast it’s just a matter of time.  I’m waiting on an MRI, then surgery.  I am worried though, every time my Dr. orders a test it gets messed up.  When I went to get my biopsy done they forgot to do presreening and blood work.  They were suppose to request approval for my MRI on Monday, which would have been approved on Thursday.  On Thursday I found out from my Insurance that the procedure had not even been requested yet.  I WAS  P.Oed.  I called scheduling, they said they got the request but did not get the notes from the Dr’s office, said they had called Drs office to request the notes, but they weren’t sent yet.  I said GET THEM!  Then I called my Dr’s office, I told them what the problem was.  I was told it would be taken care of.   The next day I talked to my Dr. about it.  He seemed to want to pass the buck to the gal in his office that was suppose to submit the order to scheduling.  She says it’s scheduling fault, that she sent what she was suppose to send.  Scheduling says it’s the Drs office fault.  The next procedure is going to be my double MX.  I’m really afraid what might happen (or not happen) with that.  I don’t know what to do.  I’m also afraid, if I get demanding that things be done right the first time someone might do something on purpose to screw it up.  Can anyone help??     

Hi DeBue,

I’m sorry to hear that you’re having so much trouble getting things started for your treatment, it must be causing you some worry and distress.  I’m sure your fellow forum users will be along soon to offer their support, but don’t forget there’s the helpline here if you need to talk, 0808 800 6000 lines open Mon-Fri 9-5 and Sat 10-2.  Also each Thursday evening between 8.30pm and 9.30pm our ‘Live Chat’ service runs where you can talk to people in real time.  This service is run by a Nurse and facilitated by a Moderator so there’s always someone to talk to.  Just follow the links below if you’re interested.

Take care,

Jo, Moderator

  Hey Girl, I hope you don’t mind, I looked back on some of your posts.  I learned a lot, I have a lot better understanding of what my recovery should be like.  Thank You very much.   I haven’t really thought about what to take to the hospital,  I haven’t heard from my Dr. since my MRI.  If I don’t hear from him by 2:00 pm. Monday I’ll be calling his office.  ’   I’m  sure you know  the feeling--------I just want it to be done.  I am very , grateful that  I  have a lot of  Family support.   I am grateful for you most of all .  You have  supported me with your words and in helping me be prepared for what is to come.    I’ll try to do the same for someone.   Now I just wait to hear from the Dr. AGAIN.  And I hope my rib or ribs heal for the most part before surgery. 

Hi,  MRI, conforms I have cancer in both breasts.  So much for regular mammograms.  I have an appt. with the plastic surgeon on the 23rd.  Then it’s just wait again. 

I’m wondering, how long is the average hospital stay for a DMX and reconstruct.  Barring any complications that is. 

                       I’m so happy, but now, I’m so scared 

I finally got an appointment for my mastectomy.  Now I’m praying that this appointment doesn’t get messed up an prolonged like all my other procedures have.  I have family coming from out of town and out of state.  Anyways, my date is Nov 19th. at noon.  I CAN’T WAIT TO HAVE THIS OUT AND DONE WITH!  Okay, I am having a double MX with reconstruction.  Am I suppose to take a bra to wear home from the hospital??    

Thank You so much!  They also make those bras where they hook in the front.  Will that work?  I’m trying to keep busy around the house hoping it will make the time go buy faster.  I almost didn’t get the reconstruct done.  My plastic surgeon rattled off about flaps and implants.  Then all she did is go on an on an on about what could go wrong.  Why do I keep getting these Doctors with no bedside manner.  She really scared me.  I was so overwhelmed.  So then I asked, what percentage of people walk away with no problems, she said 95%.  I took a big sigh of relief and said fine I’ll do it.  I’m also hoping that all the problems that made this procedure take twice as long as it should have hasn’t let the cancer spread to far.  I’m starting to have some pain that spreads from the center of my breast to my armpit.  I’m just going to pray.  Take care!  De

Hi there


I’ve also recently been diagnosed myself - 28, non smoker, gym freak. I had gone to a family history genetics clinic to be tested for the BRCA2 gene mutation which came back positive, 2 days later I found a lump and next thing I knew I ha

d cancer! Invasive ductal in my right breast.


Given my BRCA2 status, my original plan was to have a DMX and recon using implanrs, however both my Breast Surgeon an PS were reluctant to do both sides at the obe time, mainly incase I needed further treatment (they wouldn’t know for sure until the full post-op biopsy). Longer theatre time means higher infection risk which could delay further treatment. All of the signs looked good… the cancer was small (11mm), and the scans and MRI seemed to indicate no presence in the lymph nodes. They also knew from the initial biospy that my tumor was very ER+ with no HER2.


I had a mastectomy on the right side with immediate implant reconstruction last Wed, with a sentinal node biopsy. Imust say the surgery has been much easier than expected. Minimal discomfort, and I could move around ok. I did stay in for 3 nights, but I’m being treated privately so may be something to do with it. I had one drain in for 2 nights and would rather have stayed in hospital until that came out anyway. The result is amazing, it looks incredible and there has been zero bruising, it’s only partially expanded at the moment, and I’ll start with the saline fills in a week or so. Very skilled PS! I’m healing fery quickly, and 9 days later nearly back to normal. I’m also using the marilyn monroe soft bras from TK Maxx. I still have my port in for expansions so these are ideal comfort wise. The surgery has gone way better than I expected and I’m over the moon with the results, byt obviously I’d like the left side matched up asap.


Unfortunately my post-op biopsy indicated a tiny amount of cancer in one of the lymph nodes they took out, which means chemo. I am now cancer free, but this is needed more as an insurance policy to make sure it never comes back! This has been hard to swallow, particularly so as I get married in 7 months!!! Chemo will last 18 weeks, then I’ll get my MX and recon on the left side. Thankfully it will all be over then but it might be a bit of a bumpy ride to get there.


J:smileyhappy: xx