ive got BC

Hi Lance

Glad you are getting support on here, it is an absolute god send at times.

I went to my rads alone too. I made friends with a lovely couple, he had a brain tumour and sadly seemed to be deteriorating throughout the treatment. Things like that help keep me grounded, I know I am so much better off than a lot of younger people who should have their lives ahead of them. I feel quite lucky, now I am coming out the other end (mastectomy, rads, chemo now hormones for 5 yrs).

Stick with it and when you need a chat, come on here.

Can you get any other support for your little girl, it’s a shame your Mum is like she is. Maybe MacMillan could help with practical support or a grant to pay for child care. I found them a god send, a wonderful organisation.


Hi to all,
Thanks so much for your support,i know ts been a while since ive been on but i have found it better that way,to much does my head in and then i get upset.
Well ive been busy with trying to get housed in a area closer for support,also ive got ideas to help promote this B/C aweareness to men,i feel its what i want to do,i want to give somthing back as im getting stronger and focused on what i want to do.
Irene ive managed to change my mothers outlook on this and now she is going to give me and my little one a bit of support in the near future,thank you so much for your concern,

see you on here soon,
thanks all,
Lance xx

Hi to all; especially the men.

I had a left side mastectomy in October and had my first FEC last week.
The swelling (whether real or phantom), which feels like an armoured cup round my shoulder, is really annoying and I’m tempted to design a cupless bra to keep my body further away from my arm.
The first chemo was good - at the time. The aftermath on returning home was constant vomiting, resulting in a return to the unit the next day and almost a week later my “good” arm feels like its been through a mangle.

I probably have other side effects like taste, slightly fuzzy vision, mortal fear of hiccoughs and achy legs, but compared to steroid induced insomnia and throbbing arm, they don’t seem very significant right now.

I’m hoping for better things with the 2nd FEC in two weeks time because continuing at work in an easy office job is much tougher than I thought.

I’m probably not promotional material for cancer care but someone has to have the bad luck and I think it will be me.
If I wasn’t a Christian with support from the Lord and my friends, I don’t know how I would cope.

Hi again Lance,

I read your thread a few days ago but didn’t contribute, sometimes I just read and don’t have anything else to add. But can I pick up on something, if it is too personal I will understand if you prefer not to reply.

I notice you finished your radiotherapy at the end of October and said things will settle down. I was not sure if you meant with childcare needs or with your body.
If you meant your breast I was wondering if as a man you have noticed the area has become firmer? The reason I ask is that after radiotherapy my breast became firmer despite having half of it taken by surgery, in other words a lumpectomy.
I just wanted to say, in case you were not aware this firmness, if you have it, may well stay for some months. Sorry is this too personal, I have a mouth that operates after its in gear, what’s new I am a woman?! I just know of many women on this site that were not told about this side effect.

Like you I don’t log in for days because it cancer gets to dominant in my life and I prefer a break. I have logged on today because of some appalling treatment I have received today. Its under Chit Chat - Excuse me if I have a wobbly!.

Take care

Hi Carol,
Don’t be daft about being personal i’m ex services so i can take all you throw at me lol,
When i said about it settling own i ment the rads & yes it has now & like you say it is firm but just a hard lumpy scar now & a bit red.
Sorry that you’ve had a bit of grief on chit-chat, i tend to stay away & just get on with what i want to say & hear, you seem to be a nice allrounder (just look at the response us men get on this site) & thats not ment to be a dig at all the other lovley ladys on this site so please dont go getting awkward to me, ive read (mars&venus) and it was a great read, more men should read it because it helps us men & women understand each other better.
You said somthing about worring about your daughter but the nurse told me my daughters are more at risk from me but my sons have no risk at all from me.
Thank you so much for supporting my ideas, im hoping to travel to different areas fund raising and promoting this to men, so if ever you see a 50 yr old/old fart standing behind a board then come over & have a chat lol,

thanks again Carol,
all the best to all your family
Lance x

Thanks Lance
I feel a bit better about that now.
I read the Mars and Venus book, it really helped me understand after all these years why my husband is still a man of few words and yet a tower of strength

I will look forward to keeping track of your promotions. I hope the moderator will suggest you having a promotional slot on this site like JanetRA’s.

On another matter a bloke with a user name carlcarl (Carlo) posted on ‘Have I got Breast Cancer’. He only had us females replying so I suggested he tried Men diagnosed with BC and just dropped in on one of the threads and explain his concerns. I mentioned you and Nicky, I won’t apologise because I know you would like to help if you can.

Take care, speak again as an when

Hi again Lance
I notice you picked up Carls thread, thats great. Notice the needing to organise and nuture side in the female!
England 2 nil down at Wembly (32 mins) I ask you!


Thanks Carol,
Beat you to it, but thanks very much for the post.
chat again soon,
take care Lance

p.s:- hope your husband read the book too lol.

Carol sorry but i dont support football too many ladys play it, im into the MANS game of rugby lol, laters, Lance.

No, he hasn’t actually. I’ll have to get that out of the library on my next visit.

I’ll keep you posted on his reaction.
Take care yourself

I have just had a thought Lance.

If when you tour the country to promote any events, I may be able to point you to venues in and around Nottingham. Part of my job is to hold training events and conferences for support staff in schools. I know some fairly cheap venues and I am well in with a couple who may let you have the venue at a reduced rate if not free!
My Events Coordinator, Jenny, is a whizz at chatting up conference organisers at venues she might be willing to get to those I am not so confident with.

Anyway that’s a discussion for another day when you feel up for it.
Bye for now, I may not get back for a few days, knock out Chemo tomorrow (I hope anyway)

Good luck for tomorrow Carol,
I lived in Notts for a few years but now live back in the Cambs area,
did’nt work out for me up there but i know the area well,small world eh !
Anyway good luck again chat to you soon,
all the best,