Jade Goody doing the do....

pardon my ignorance but… imho… what does that mean ?

Maybe it means “in my honest opinion”. I’m not sure though. x

I feel sorry for Jade as she is young with young children, its her choice to be in the media spotlight for whatever reasons she has, it is possible for big celebrities to keep out of the spotlight if they want (Kylie was one of them), so if she is happy then so be it and good luck to her.

Can someone tell me why she has a poor prognosis, I thought they had removed her uterus but does she have stage IV now? Sorry i’ve not kept up to date with her story.

Katiebelu - imho - means in my honest opinion

In my humble opinion…which it is, i’m not trying to be confrontational, just saying what I feel…

I belive her poor prognosis is due to her having her cancer for 4 years before it was diagnosed?

I find it hard to care about Jade Goody’s baldness.I am desperately sorry for her as I am for any one with cancer.When I lost my hair sometimes I wore a wig,sometimes a hat and sometimes nothing.It depended on what I was comfortable with.I noticed no odd looks,had no comments and the state of my head seemed so unimportant to me.Ironically the only place I always wore a wig was when I was going for chemo!

I have to say I watched the newest instalment on Jade this evening, first of them actually.

I think that we all need to see that each one of us deals with our cancer battle in our own way. Some are never seen without a scarf or wig, indeed some never leave the house other than to go to hospital.
Personally I covered my head for 6 days after losing my hair and then went out bald and proud. It never bothered me, until the cold weather moved in.

I think Jade is ised to the media attention and if her fight brings it home to others just how bloody hard this is then good on her.
She is dealing with her cancer in the way she wants to and if she is as string as she tries to make out I hope she beats this thing. She’s been given a 40% chance due to the fact her cancer has spread and is so advanced, they say her tumour was the size of a rugby ball. Her boys are beatiful and I hope she is around to see them grow up. This girl has been through the mill as we all have but her programmes appear to be honest portrayals of her, albeit very short bursts. This evening my heart went out to her as she looked in the mirror at her balding head, no makeup on and you could tell all she wanted to do was sob her heart out but she was trying to hold it in, as I am sure so many of us have done.

I honestly wish Jade all the best, she has shown just exactly what chemo does and how hard it is for a woman to lose her identity and her femininity into the bargain. She has allowed the cameras in to her life and shown the worst side of this disease unlike some celebs who have been given a rough time on here before by looking good. I think some of us need to just let be and worry more about ourselves than what goes on around us. We all have learnt the hard way that life’s too short and precious to worry about the tedious things.

Hi leeloo, well said, best wishes to Jade and her children junieliz

I was glad to see Jade going bareheaded, mainly because I have felt so embarrassed at being seen without a wig or scarf on and I feel more comfortable being bald, yet some people seem to think it is somehow inappropriate to answer the door bald, as if you had just answered the door naked except for some red nylon lace underwear.

Men don’t go around feeling ashamed of being bald.

It is the same as breasttfeeding - you can get 'em out for page 3 but if you show a breast when feeding your child, it’s tut tut, cover them up. Some people find it offensive, well, tough.

As for playing the sympathy card, I think everyone going through chemo deserves all the sympathy they can get, fair play to her.

Fair play to her too - however when I was bald, dunno about other people but my hair never totally went there was always a dark shodow of stubble, never had the total bald look

Oh my head was shiny and smooth as a baby’s bum but got a five o’clock shadow now, about 1 mm

I don’t see what’s wrong with Jade showing her bald head to the world…I don’t think for a minute she’s doing it for sympathy…she’s doing it to secure her 2 boys futures in the event that she might not be around…she’s in a position to command big bucks for doing it…so fair play to her…I’ve been totally bald now for just over a week and never expected to want anyone to see me bald…but I do and it doesn’t bother me…and I certainly don’t show mine for sympathy…I feel quite confident about everyone seeing me bald…and I’m no Gail Porter…I think it’s sad that Jade gets such a rough ride for daring to be upfront about having this crappy disease…she really can’t win


Hi Linda
Sorry to hijack this thread, noticed your name, was wondering how you are doing.
Im Ann, live near you in Falkirk(just moved from Grangemouth) Youre in Airth? Hope Im right lol
Remembered you were going for tests as they had found something on your kidney?
Stuck in my mind as I had clear cell ca of kidney few years after breast ca.
Anyway, just to say hope you are doing ok
ps I do agree with your comments
Take care
Ann x

I’ve just seen this thread about Jade Goody, I must be living on another planet because all the media hype and attention have passed me by. I feel for Jade; I have a three year old son and my prognosis isn’t that great, so I admire her for trying to secure their future.

As far as the bald/scarf/wig debate goes, I do all three as and when it suits me and the circumstances. When I go out with my head uncovered, I get a bit sick of the way people gawp at me. I’m not an alien or a crazed axe murderer and I regularly ask people why they’re staring and what their problem is. I find they usually want to curl up and hide under a stone, especially once I explain to them why I shaved my hair off. One person gawped and stared so much that I told her I was an actress in a play about women in a concentration camp; she believed it and suddenly her admiration for me knew no bounds. She had less admiration when I told her that actually it’s because of chemo. I have no time for folks like that.

It’s all about personal preference. I prefer to wear a wig when I take my son to preschool because although he has no problem with my lack of hair, I don’t want him to feel different if the other kids laugh about it; toddlers can be cruel. I usually wear a scarf around the house because I don’t like feeling cold, but I just do whatever makes me feel happy.

I find increasingly that this is a status issue, with some women militant about being bald, with the attitude of why should I cover up just to make you comfortable. I find, however, that this level of militancy (if that’s the right word, probably not but hey I have chemo brain) is often about provoking and shocking the people they encounter, it has felt to me that there’s a lot of anger around it all. I met a lady at the chemo suite a few weeks back with just such a miliant attitude. I’m fine with her doing what she wants, but she didn’t have the right to behave towards me as though I had a pile of dog poo on my head (I like to dress up for each chemo, play a role and have a laugh with silly hair and sillier outfits, it gets me through it and makes people smile).

I don’t mind wigs although they are itchy beggers. I had my Birthday party at the weekend and the invite asked everyone to wear a wig. All my friends wore fancy dress and wigs and suddenly they stopped with the talk about how lucky I am to be bald, with all the savings at the hairdresser and not having to buy hair products, and they don’t tell me how lucky I am to be able to change my hairdo at a whim. I also photograph my no-hair experience so I have a visual diary of shaving my head, regrowth, wigs, scarves, the lot. Many people find the shots offensive, especially the ones au naturel, but that’s their problem, not mine.

At the end of it, it’s personal preference. Jade, good luck to her, this is her way of coping, and I wish her the best, as I do each and every person who finds themselves with this vile disease.

Hi all! Just been reading all the posts and amazed at the at the emotion behind some of them! Have just had hair cut VB short today in a pre-emptive strike! Though I am going to do the cold cap on Monday ( I couldn’t do without using my hairdryer(makes me sound very vain I know!) I am covering all my options- hats etc… thought I would feel gutted at losing my usually perfect(?) hair and actually didn’t feel a thing!
Live in a very small community where everyone knows everyone else and would be very difficult to hide what was happening to you, so decided to meet it head (literally) on and my first reaction tonight was a hug…! Think honesty is always best…??
Lyn xx

Annie o…my father and grandparents used to live in Grangemouth, all originally born in Bo’ness…lovely part of the country!

i have finished treatment…ooooh except for the tablets

all i have learned is we deal with this how we can - what suits us best.

Ms G may not be the brightet knife in the box but she is dealing with similar yuck to us.

and - we look cute bald!

smiling - i wish all of you the very best

jen xx

I admire Jade and the way she has let the cameras in to film her struggle with dealing with her cancer. I think the programme is beneficial to us, our families, friends and the outside world by letting them know what we could be going through - although I realise everyone deals with it differently.

I am thinking of you, Jade.

I like Jade and have been following her programme. My son keeps kissing the front cover of new magazine that she is on- it took him a while to kiss me without a scarf or wig on- but he seems more than happy with bald women now- hes taken a bit of a shine to her.

I’ve got no thoughts either way for Jade or her life, except that she’s doing this cancer thing like the rest of us and there is courage and truth in everyone’s story. I hope she gets a good outcome.

We each do this the way that works for us. The unfortunate truth is that people will be people and that comes with the good and the bad to it. My hair will out by end Feb if not before. With hair I’m presentable in a normal kind of way. Without hair, especially once the eyebrows and eyelashes come out, not presentable, not even to me in the mirror, and if my self esteem and morale takes a plummet if I can’t look in the mirror and be happy, then I sure as heck am not stepping outside. For me, hats and scarves probably for the most part, 'cos they’re easy to pull on. I’ll get a wig, false eyebrows, false lashes, and as long as I don’t look like a clown, I’ll wear 'em. Each to their own, and nobody, man or woman,going through physical changes because of cancer, should be judged by anybody for how they cope with how they look, particularly not other cancer people. But we don’t live in a perfect world…