Joining the club.....


Hope they work out better for you. I found Tramadol too strong but have heard they are really good so fingers crossed that will sort out your headache. I had the tablets for my stomach think it was lomeprazole and they really helped too.

For your veins try having a hot drink before chemo even if it’s hot water of a fruit tea or something, a chemo nurse said that helps your veins a bit. And try to keep your veins warm beforehand.

Hope this cycle goes a bit better


As always, thanks for your advice and support, I don’t know what I’d do without everybody here.

Last night went fairly well, although I didn’t notice many side effects from the tramadol, they did lessen the pain alot. I got more sleep than the same night last time, but still spent a large part of the night playing scrabble and watching TV. I didn’t mind too much, at least it was mostly nausea that was keeping me awake and not a combination.

Following the problems with finding a vein, the one that they did get is very sore today, I didn’t have a problem last time, and i can only think that they didn’t flush it enough with saline, or at all! Something to bring up next time.

Richard x


My partner was diagnosed 6 years ago with bc and was given chemo and the tumour was stopped in its path. Last week he went for a check up and the tumour has grown significantly. The Dr examined the lymph area and said he doesnt think it had spread to the nodes (no swelling etc). Today he is going to get an ultrasound, MRI and biopsy and I am so scared. Overall he is healthy although he does complain of aches and pains but this could be due to the fact he broke his back over 10 years ago and is full of pins and bolts! He is 38 and his mother passed away with bc and his sister has had a mascetamy. The Dr want him to obviously get the tumour cut out (a mascetamy I think due to the size of it). Does anyone know how long it takes for the results of the biopsy? and can they tell you anything or give you an indication at the scan/MRI (I know they are technically not allowed to say anything). I sound selfish but I am so scared as I lost both my parents 6 years ago (my father to stomach cancer) and we have two beautiful boys (4 and 9 months)and I dont know how I can cope if the prognosis is really bad.

Hi Keitha,

Just wanted to wish you both well for the tests. I think the results all depend on the individual, i was given a heads up on the day but not told until a week later. I think sometimes you can get them back straight away. It is a really worrying time waiting for results, one of the worst parts i think. Did they operate the last time or was it chemo only?

Will be thinking of you both
