July 2016 starters

Thanks so much Bella Boo. Is pic line preferable to port I wonder? So many variables!! Really hope you’re doing ok after yesterday. X

Sounds like you’re doing brilliantly Bella Boo. BC nurse just called me and said both pic and port good but different oncs have different prefs. I do have faith in my onc so will go along with whatever he thinks!! Good luck with your injection lesson! I did the blood clotting ones into my tummy after my op and I did cope ok with those. I too am having the White cell booster injections. Will ask nurse later if I’m expected to do those myself. What joys to look forward to! So glad to hear you’re doing so well. Do you have your next treatment in 3 weeks or 2?

Hi Bookworm, glad you have found us. Just to echo what Bella boo said, the support on here is incredible and you’ll always find somebody on a high when you are having a bad day. You do not need to be having good days every time you post. We all need a place to vent on the tough ones!!

I am still feeling ok this morning. Clock watching already and have a couple of hours yet before I need to start getting myself ready!! Finally sat and talked to my boys last night too so they are at least aware that things are happening and I might not be up to doing all the usual things with them.

Hope everyone else is feeling good too today xx

Taran you also sound like you’re doing brilliantly. What fab role models you girls are. How old are you boys Taran? V hard for the family isn’t it especially with school aged kids and summer hols round the corner. I even asked my onc if i could delay treatment to not mess up summer hos but a stupid question I know…he answered patiently but assertively! One messed up summer hols equals hopefully lots more summer hols to come. Xx

The holidays are a worry aren’t they. My 2nd cycle will be the day they break up from school, assuming no delays. So I’ll have 3 of my 6 cycles over the holidays. Nightmare!! My boys are 5 and nearly 4 (twins). I’ve got a little girl too but she’s only 3 months so blissfully unaware of it all!! How old are yours Bookworm? xx

Really tough with yours so small. I hope you have good support to help you with them. So unfair. Mine are much older : 20, 17, 15 (boys) and a 9 year old daughter. My oldest has severe special needs though so complicated…your kids will look back on this when they are older and be in awe of your strength. Keep strong. Makes me so sad that so many young women are dealing with this wretched illness with young families. Xx

Hi there

This post is in response to an earlier discussion about taking supplements during treatment.

Some women do describe having chemo brain during and after treatment. It’s always important to talk to your breast care nurse or doctor about side effects and if you are thinking of taking any over the counter medicines. This website might be useful for finding out more about the different supplements available.

You might be interested to know we are running a live chat session this afternoon, 3-4pm, discussing management of side effects of treatment. Do join us to chat more or feel free to call the free Helpline for further info. 0808 800 6000.

Best wishes

Breast Cancer Care Nurse

Hi ladies
Just thought I would pop in and give u an update. First EC was on Friday. Have been absolutely exhausted as really finding it difficult to sleep.
Then at 4 this morning I had to ring the hotline as my temperature was down low and I had terrible pain in my stomach which had been going on for a few hours. They advised me to go in. It took them 4 times to cannula me which was absolutely awful at that time of the morning. I was then told that I would see a doctor after my bloods had been tested. Roll on 10 o’clock. Apparently the overnight doctor hadn’t been told that I was there so ended up seeing a very nice junior lady doctor who checked me over. By this time the pain had gone so they decided that it was a constipation problem and that I was to take senna at night to help. I’m back at home and have had a couple of hours sleep so feeling a little bit better. My wrist is so painful. I think I’m going to get a really nasty bruise.
I have terrible heart burn too.
Sorry for the moan.

Bookworm, yes I’m starting 5th July also. We will be able to compare daily side effects. Not something either of us ever imagined saying 2 months ago! We will have to find our Inner Warrior lol. I’m getting a PICC line inserted on Thursday. Was t given an option for port. Have appointment with Physio that day too. Just 11 days post ANC and have been having problems. Can’t see them clearing before Tuesday, but glad chemo is not going to be delayed. The anticipation is awful some days. And other days I sail through. Im sure we’ll get through somehow even if we have our wobbles. Good to have someone starting the same day ? XXXX

Taran I just want to send you love and virtual hugs. I’ve seen your post about telling your boys last night and the fact you also have a baby daughter. Can’t believe you are so young and having to go through this. Bookworm is right, your children will look at you in awe of your strength when they are older and know/understand what you have been through. I won’t say much more on this, because if you are anything like me, kindness or someone saying anything particularly nice to me brings tears to my eyes, someone buys me flowers, tears to my eyes … You get the picture lol. All very emotional. X ps I have twin boys too. They are the best sons ever.

Well my first FEC was fairly uneventful. Sat in the chair with my arm wrapped in a heat pad. Nurse administered the syringes and chatted all the while. Gave me my bag of goodies to bring home (meds!!) and that was pretty much it. Whole thing took just over an hour. Amazing the damage you can do in such a short space of time!!! So far I feel ok. Bit of a headache and hungover feeling and got the funny taste in my mouth really quickly! But have eaten dinner ok so hopefully anti sickness pills are working. I do feel like I could sleep, and if I was home alone I would go to bed. But until my boys are asleep I won’t be tucking up either.

Alex, thank you so much for your lovely message. It did indeed make me well up, but I am a very emotional person and more so lately. My children are my everything. I hope I am still here to see them grow, and I hope to be a mummy they can be proud of.

Bella boo, I hope you are feeling ok still?

Nellie, good luck for tomorrow. You will be just fine. And it’s a really good feeling when it’s done.


Hi to all the mums with young kids, I just want to say you are all amazing! Going through this treatment and looking after your precious ones as well shows such strength and depth of love. I feel very humbled to be part of this July thread with you mums out there and all you are having to cope with. My children have flown the nest and one is married and has a 1 year old son. I only have myself, hubby and a Labrador to look after. So I take my hat off to you.

Taran so pleased all went well and your are not feeling too bad. Well done you ? Xxx

Taran really pleased to hear it went ok. Similar effects to me yesterday. I’m still doing ok and eating fine, just can’t shift the headache and have got a red face from the steroids. Have had a lazy day today but no napping so I’m hoping I’ll sleep well tonight . Have you got help over the next few days with the little ones. Fortunately I only have one son and he’s 19 so he’s been looking after me (as a teenage son can) and has made tea. He’s off to Tenerife on Saturday so they’ll just be me and the cat so I’m hoping things will be ok whilst he’s away.

Nellie I’ll be thinking of you and hope you get some sleep and things go well tomorrow. Sonya I hope your feeling better and have sorted out the heartburn. Sue are you getting a picc line? Hope your veins hold out if not xx

Taran, just nosying in from April 16 and see that you are a twin mummy along with your other treasures. My twins are 10 now and i found it hard when they were younger without any other children! I hope you have support in place i know not everyone has the luxury of extended family,we would have been stuffed wuthout my in laws throughout this, have you discussed things with your health visitor, in our area there is a lot of support they can access? Please dont think i am saying you cant cope just sometimes we are that busy being superwomen we dont realise our limitations in situations we never thought we would be in. Good luck, it does go quickly i have 1 Tax left after tmorrow and that seemed so far away in the begining xxx

Well I’m still not feeling too bad. Phew! All 4 of my babies are sleeping and I’m still up! But I do have heartburn already. Would it start this quickly?? I don’t normally suffer with it. Only in pregnancy, so feel like it must be because of the chemo. Sue? I’m sure you’ll know!!

Bella boo, how lovely that your son cooked for you. I hope I raise my boys to be so kind, and so capable in the kitchen! Hopefully things will be on the up a bit once he is away and you’ll be fine. Maybe even glad to have some time to yourself to nap and lounge a bit??

Nellie, that was a lovely thing to say. And so true, the strength of a mother’s love is so immense isn’t it. I’m trying to use it to get through this. Although all too often it is also the reason I crumble, because of the thought of not being here for them until they are grown up.

Helly, I have excellent support thank you. My parents live just down the road and have always been a big part of my children’s lives. I am so lucky and so grateful for having them. The health visitor did call me to arrange to come out though, so we are seeing her next week. I’m not a huge fan of her to be honest but I don’t mind her coming. I know she will want to check the boys are dealing with things well. Having twins is such a mix of the most amazing moments seeing then play/grow/develop together and complete stress if trying to sort 2 human beings out at the same time isn’t it!!? Wouldn’t change it for the world though. Might just have had a bigger gap between then and number 1 if I’d known. Lol!!!


Taran, hope your feeling ok. I had heartburn/indigestion too. I took Gaviscon and suck on strong mints. I also had constipation and had to take laxatives from day 5. It wasn’t too bad though. Eat fruit when you can to try and keep things moving. I ate prunes and apricots which helped. I also drink milk too help with acid reflux. Take care xx

Thank netti, I’ll grab my bottle of gaviscon now then. Still need to stock up on some senna in case of constipation. Will add it to the shopping list for tomorrow xx

Thanks Sue. You are the fount of all knowledge to me!! At least until I find a question you don’t know the answer to, and then I’ll be very disappointed ??

Thats great Taran, i have a small family that are as supportive as a chocolate fireguard so really cant thank my in laws enough :). Twins are amazing mine are boy/girl so slightly different dynamics. They are what get me through this nightmare xxx

Wonderfully inspiring to hear all these top tips and ‘can do’ attitude. Had my pre chemo assessment today and the staff were so lovely. I am an expert worrier and I think they’ve got me sussed!! I even met some ladies having treatment which was reassuring and have now seen at close quarters a portacath which I’m having put in tomorrow. Have any of you ladies had a portacath put in/are having one inserted? Also having hair cut short tomorrow after a life time if long hair so it’s all happening. Feeling v wobbly about it all but i guess it’s the anticipation more than anything? You guys seem to be handling it all brilliantly so I’m holding onto that. I always tend to expect the worst so here’s hoping the reality isn’t quite so horrendous. Alex2016 I too have had problems following ANC. Physio really helped with cording and mobility and pain now much improved. Xxx