Just a reminder ........ your clocks?

Did you remember to put your clocks BACK last night?

(Only up because the cat brought in a mouse and let it go in the kitchen - it is now hiding behind the cupboards and the cat is watching the space where it ran to - anyone want an elderly cat that has learnt how o catch things other than leaves?)

Hi quisie

Yes I did indeed remember, and have been up since 6.30am (well, 7.30am really) and have got so much done - washing, ironing, walked to the paper shop (still can’t drive yet), cleaned up the kids mess, and now am having some “me time” on here !!

Have you (or the cat) caught the mouse yet ? My cat isn’t that quick with catching things - could be because he’s only got one eye !

Have a good day

Love Julie xxx

hi there Julie

i forced myself to stay in bed until 7AM, it was really quite silly of me ! Neither I, nor the cat know where the mouse is now - she cae to bed with me… but, i expect it will resurface later on!

She is 12 years old and, until last year had never fetched home anything alive, in fact, ALL that had come home with her had been leaves (in autumn) and fleas (from other cats). Then, last year she was most surprised when a cricket hopped off her back and onto the floor in front of her! But I rescued that and, with cat firmly held under my arm, let it go under the car.

THIS year she brought home a shrew. Placed it very neatly under the coffee table. It looked very dead. So, I chased the cat out - looked for the shrew … just spotted the end of a tail going under the TV stand. I ended up calling my daughter out, moving all the furniture around - but to no avail. At 3am the silly creature went and came out though, so, there was me, in my nightie, chasing the cat out into the garden with this shrew squeaking very loudly! Persuaded her to drop the shrew though and brought her in and locked the door - and window! Following day there was no evidence of a dead shrew so, hopefully, it lived to tell the tale.

But, now it seems she has brought another “Pal” home, i suspect a mouse, but not seen it yet. ust hoping we can persuade it to leave home amicably lol

Hope you too have a lovely day



x x x


This really made me laugh, sorry for you tho looking everywhere for mouse.


hi Heather

glad it has made you laugh - i find it quite funny too - we seek him here ,we seek him there, These mad things seek him everywhere. Is he in heaven? - Is he in hell? Or should he in a pumpkin dwell?

and, of course, the cat is pretending it is nothing to do with her!

oh quisie
you do make me laugh your a real tonic on here keep going girl.

I was walking past this old dear the other day she had a shovel in her hand i thought at first she was attempting to clear the leaves, some hope she would have had. when she passed me on the shovel was a dead rat, now that freaked me out for the whole day.
Mice i can cope with but rats yuk.
Have you found it yet???


after cleaning everything around and behind and under as much as possible - i then sprinkled flour - and not a teensy footprint to be seen … so, i am assuming it somehow got out,and now i have the flour to clean up - well, it did seem like a good idea at the time! The cat has lost all interest in the kitchen, so i think it is pretty safe.

Rats - now, had i even dreamt it was a rat i’d have left home! rats i cannot abide at all.

I do think the cat needs a new bell on her collar though, big ben springs to mind.

have a great day


x x x