Hi All
I have just been diagnosed with breast cancer, and am devastated. Has anyone out there been treated at the Hillingdon Hospital, and if so please let me know how it was?
Hi All
I have just been diagnosed with breast cancer, and am devastated. Has anyone out there been treated at the Hillingdon Hospital, and if so please let me know how it was?
Hi CMatisse
I am sure this is a very worrying time for you but you have come to the right place, you will receive plenty of support and advice from our many users.
In the meantime, you may be interested in Breast Cancer Care’s Resource Pack which is essential for anyone with a primary diagnosis of breast cancer. Filled with information to help you better understand your diagnosis, test results and the various treatments available I am sure you will find it really useful.
Here is the link to the page on the site where it can be ordered free of charge:
I do hope you find this helpful.
Kind regards
Hi CMatisse just want to say welcome to the site.You will find lots of help and support no matter what the nature of your diagnosis.You must have so many questions and at the moment you will be feeling very scared.It will get better once you start your treatment and know exactly what you are facing.I dont know anything about your hospital I’m afraid but do come back-we are always here and someone will be able to help you.The BCC helpline is very good indeed and worth a call while you are trying to get your head straight.You can do this honestly.
love Vxx
I am so sorry that you have had to join us but I really think you could benefit from the advice this site has.
I really dont think that it matters where you are treated as they are doctors and nurses doing a good job. I know what you are saying about the Hillingdon and is part of the trust that has Mount Vernon included so it is a large and up to date hospital. I was treated at the Charing Cross and they were fantastic but treatment is treatment and I am sure you will be saying the same about the Hillingdon.
You will probably have lots of questions that can be supported on this site and also people here can put your mind at rest about treatments and also give you some handy hints to support you while you go through it all. Dont forget that these ladies have an experience themselves and would like to help others.
I wish you all the very best and dont forget to come back and ask questions or seek advice. A big hug to you.
Thank you for your swift response and support. I am still reeling from the shock of being diagnosed. A second biopsy on the same breast is being done next week and thereafter have to decide on surgery. Have you Horace or Daisy do, had a mastectomy, and how awful was it?
I am terrified of the after treatment.
Thank you Louise - I will follow up the link.
Sorry you have had to join us! as the others say this site is great for support as we really do know how you feel. the initial shock is terrible and your brain goes into overdrive, once you know what is happening it feels better! I have now had 4 out of 6 chemo, but had lumpectomy so cant give advice there sorry! love debs xxx
hello CMatisse, like the others I am so sorry that you have to enter into this world with us, but this is a great place to get info, support and comradeship.
I did have a mastectomy, 12 years ago followed 2 years later by reconstruction (known as a TRAM flap) which was my own tissue, taken from my abdominal muscle and formed into a new breast. At that time my treatment was mastectomy and tamoxifen.
You will have loads of questions jumping around your head, so feel free to ask whatever you want and someone here will be able to relate to it.
We have all been where you are now, C, and this is something you can get through, I promise. You are not on your own with it.
take care - I’ll be thinking of you
Monica xxx
Hello CMattisse
Like you i have just been diagnosed with breast cancer and still waiting for my appointment (next Tues), to see what is going to happen. It still all seems a bit surreal to me but I think after the appt things will seem clearer. I’m hoping so anyway :-).
I have had lots of support here so far and I have hardly got into asking questions yet.
God Bless xx
Dear All,
Since joining the forum today, I am overwhelmed by the support so far, and thank you.
Like you, Veronica1404, I shall have lots more questions to ask after my further biopsy next week. It is the unknown that is so terrifying. My confidence is in tatters.
CMatisse I had wle[lumpectomy]chemo and rads.I had triple negative grade 2 IDC [Invasive Ductal Carcinoma].I am just coming to 3 years from diagnosis and still remember how awful the first few weeks were.May I ask how old you are?
Hi CMatise
I am so sorry to hear your news but you have come to the right place.
Everyone is filled with terror/fear but one thing i will say to you always have someone with you when having any appointments and any questions you may have write them down in a book and take it to the hospital with you. I have had a mastectomy and to be honest the opperation was OK but all i wanted was the cancer cut out and gone and i would have had any part of body cut to get rid of it…but that is just me some people feel different. Try to keep yourself busy if you can…it will be hard but time will go quicker that way. Keep us informed on how you get on.
Good Luck and loads of Hugs
I am in a similar position to you. After initial diagnosis and then an MRI, they found two further small lesions, which are being biopsied next Friday. They seem to think if just one of those is also cancerous, I have to have a mastectomy, and offered that straight away - but I would prefer they check that it is necessary first.
I am not someone who wants a mastectomy immediately upon diagnosis. If they can just remove the lumps, I would rather do that, even if the breast is misshapen. If it is inevitable, I shall deal with it, but I want to make sure it is absolutely necessary first and not being done just because that is what they usually do.
Good luck with the second biopsy.
Hi everyone,
Thought I would let you know I had my second biopsy today. Very sore now,as the radiographer had a hard time getting to the little ‘spot’ to get a tissue for testing. Fortunately she deadened the area very well so all I could feel at the time was pressure. Have not recovered from the bruises of the first biopsy and now I will have even more bruising. Will get the result in a week, then see surgeon. Will let you know what happens next (probably surgery).
Lupin15 - yes it is a good idea to take someone along to each appointment, I drag my poor husband along. It is good that he absorbs information better than I do. Will definitely jot down in notebook questions to be asked as I always remember something after leaving the hospital! Thank you.
Ann04 - like you I was offered a mastectomy, but I would rather know first the status of the little “spot” before deciding.
Good luck for next Friday - let us know how you get on and I will say a prayer for each and everyone of us.
Once again thank you all for your support and encouragement.
Hi CMatisse
Good Luck for next friday, fingers crossed that the news is fairly good (you know what i mean). I will be think about you like the rest of the group and wait to hear from you.
Good luck and loads of hugs.
Hi CMatisse
I was just diagnosed today (8/9/09)and, frankly, I’m terrified!
Hi CMatisse,
Just wanted to say hello and although I’m not under care at the Hillingdon hospital, I did have to go there for my radioactive injection the day before my surgery. The staff were wonderful, patient, professional and made the whole experience very calm.
This is the hardest part now with all the waiting and I’m thinking of you and sending you positive vibes.
Keep us posted.
Hi rancidtart,
I know exactly how you feel. I too am newly diagnosed and still in a state of shock. I have received some wonderful messages of suport from my new found friends on this site, and no doubt you have also. Do you know any more about your condition? I have had two biopsies so far and expect surgery will be next. I am also terrified, but if it is any consolation from one newly diagnosed to another, we will hold each other’s hand through this horrible time.
No doubt you and I will have similar questions to ask our friends out there who will look after us.
All the best and keep posting.
Hi Al (HurdyGurdy)
So sorry I am still finding my way round and not quite sure how to address people, so apologies if I am not doing it right.
It is comforting to know you were happy with the experience at the hospital - may I ask if you went to the Breast Unit at Hillingdon Hospital, and where did you have your surgery?
I am just anxious to know what kind of breast cancer surgery I am to have.
Thank you for your input and good wishes. I will keep posting.
I know what you mean about the bruising. I still have the first one and will end up with another two on Friday. I do wish you good luck for the results. Was it a biopsy on a second area or a second one on the first - if you see what I mean?
There are so many of us in the same position. It really does help being able to chat to you all in this way. This site is like a magnet, keeps drawing me back.
We will all find the strength we need to get through this.
Ann xx