Just diagnosed with Pagets disease

Hi, I’m new to this. On Friday I was diagnosed with Pagets, having had clear mammogram and ultrasound it was picked up after having biopsy. Currently waiting for MRI, anyone out there with any experience of this type of cancer?

Hi Flossy03

sorry to see that you have found yourself here, but welcome!

It is a great place to be for rants, raves, tears and laughter -and of course the many virtual arms, which will give you a hug, when you feel low or worried.

Unfortunately I have no experience with Pagets and hope that someone will pick up on this thread, who has. It is a relatively rare condition, so fingers crossed there is someone on the forum.

You could also call the helpline number, if you have specific concerns - 0808 800 6000

This is a link to a page, which gives for information on Pagets - you may or may not wish to follow the link, but if you like to know more from a credible source - here it is


We are here to support you, as much as it it possible and you may wish to join relevant forums and threads as your diagnosis and treatment plan unfolds.

I shall keep an eye out for your posts and shall try and direct you as best as I can to relevant threads.

Let us know how you get on.


Sue xxx



Thanks for your reply Sue. I have MRI tomorrow and consultant appointment next Thursday so will have a bit more info then. Feeling good but hate the waiting game.

Thanks for posting. Just wondering did yours show on your mammogram or ultrasound, mine was only detected through the biopsy. Hope you don’t mind me asking but how was the surgery/recovery?

Hi I have just been diagnosed with pagets of the nipple plus a small cancerous lump in my breast op. Next month how did you go