Just diagnosed

Hi ladies.
Just wanted to send you some virtual hugs and support. I too have days when I don’t want to get out of bed and really I think I grieve for my pre diagnosis life. It does feel like you will never be the same person again. However, reading posts from those who have gone thro treatment and are back to being their old selves helps me feel hopeful that I will too. I had no idea that the emotional side would be so hard and the waiting so very difficult. A week seems like twice that in BC time, some sort of parallel universe! Have my appt with the onc next Wednesday and am worried they might want me to have chemo. My income comes from my business so being sidelined for any length of time will affect my income very severely. Anyway, just battling on, which is all we can do really. Wising everyone waiting for results good luck and thinking of you all xx