I have just been diagonosed with stage 3 breast cancer - invasive ductal cancer I think. I was not expecting this news and am really struggling to cope. Want to cry all the time. Am waiting for an MRI scan and test results to find out whether it has moved into the lymph nodes. I feel like my life has turned upside down and not knowing the true extent of it all and just waiting is very stressful. The treatment of it all is also very frightening, I suppose it will be a masectomy at some point and then chemo.
Found this forum quite comforting and thanks for listening.
In addition to the support you will find here our helpliners are on hand with practical and emotional support for you, lines are open weekdays 9-5 and Saturdays 10-2 on 0808 800 6000
The following link will take you to the BCC ‘Just diagnosed’ information and further support which I hope you will find helpful:
Hi Kavir, sweetheart, so sorry you are here. You are in shock at the moment but You will get through this. And it is very scary. If you need to cry, let it out
I was exactly where you are this time last year - and I got so much support from this site and helpline.
I wish you all the best of luck with your treatments. Please take care and look after yourself ok? We are all here for you. (stay off google there is some very innacurate info on there)
big gentle hugs
I know how it feelsto wait around i got diagnosed in july and had 2 week waiting for an mri scan then results mine has gone to lymph nodes too had my op on 8th aug to do a lumpectomy and a full node clearance back home now. you will find this forum a great help and plenty of people to talk too you will be fine xxxx
Hi I had grade 3 Dcis too . I had a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy . Mine hadn’t travelled but I need another op on Thursday to get a better margin . It is scary and I have ok days and teary days . I am also forgetful and easily stressed . Just concentrate on the next step and don’t jump ahead is my tip , I find I’m best keeping occupied . Loads of people (too many ) are going thru this . You are not alone . Keep strong and stamp scream and shout when u feel the need ! Xx
Hi I have just had mastectomy 6/8 for grade 3 am waiting to see if node involvement. I felt guilty about crying all the time but breast nurse and people on forum showed me it did not matter so go for it the waiting is the worst .
Can someone give me a general answer plz… I had a MX and snb 3weeks ago on Thursday coming… Is it normal for the under arm area where snb was done and some parts of the MX scar to still feel numb please…
Hi kavir, sorry that you have joined us and know just how horrible you are feeling. I was diagnosed with stage two invasive ductal cancer in May and biopsies showed lymph node involvement too. However, I have already had surgery to remove lump and all lymph nodes and am now almost halfway through chemo before going on to radiation. I still wish I didn’t have it (obviously) but it really does get easier (most of the time), you can and will be able to deal with it and things will get better.
Like many others, I found the waiting the hardest - once you know what you are dealing with and when treatment starts it will get easier. I know it is often a very long, and sometimes difficult, journey ahead but this forum is great to help you - many people understand what you are going through and are very supportive so do use it for all sorts e.g. to have a moan, ask for advice and even share positive experiences! You may not be able to imagine those yet but they will happen.
I really wish you all the best and hope that you get as positive results as possible.
P.S. Crying is fine too and treatment is usually nowhere near as bad as we fear!
Good luck and hugs,
Hi songbird68
Thanks for the reply… Your description sounD’s exactly as mine feels… Some parts of my MX scar is numb too… So if its the norm then ime happy to go with that… Thank u xx
Many thanks for your very comforting replies. I feel a whole lot better knowing that I am not alone. I have also come to accept things a little better - although the fear is still niggling at the back of my mind. I have a MRI scan on Monday and then results meeting in the clinic later on in the week. I am feeling a little more positive now.