just popped back from hospice

Thinking of you Kate, and had to agree with you, you would think that at a hospice you wouldn’t have to support others- there would be some help…

I hope you get some peace and quiet there and that they look after you, also hope that the rads side effects dont get as bad as you fear…



Just wanted to add my voice, thinking of you and hoping the rads do what they should.

with love Pauline

Hi Kate - thanks for the update…Glad you managed to get home - and agree with others, ignore the mess…

What a shame that the lady in the hospice needs support…but I really think it is time to put Kate first on the list. It must have been hard to be faced with the resus issue, but I suppose the hospice do need to know your wishes…

Am really hoping the after-effects of rads are not as bad as you feared and that the much needed shrinkage of the tumour is successful.

Much love and don’t forget, Kate is No. 1 on the priority list!!


Just found I can access the computer from the day care unit - someone donated money for it but I think 1 of the leaders sees it as her computer!!!
Rads redness seems to be improving on back but front is still sore and hope skin will improve. I can only eat pureed foods now but at leasst it is freshly pureed in the kitchen here so actually tastes of something!!! Also got liquid medicines now instead of tablets as I couldn’t swallow them.
I started on a new nerve pain drug - it helped me sleep but my shoulder pain was horrfic this morning so needed diazepam to get going which is a bit of a contradiction!! Have to see what happens!!
Much quieter day yesterday so felt better today and last night despite lots of visitors. Trying to compete with a hellshly big family who always seem to be everywhere including smoking outside my bay which I objected to and the nurses just said they were a problem family which doesn’t help me or the other ladies with bad chests in my bay!! I will take it up with the sister this morning!!
must go as want hait straightened and nails cut and reiki and aromotherapy!!!
Thanks for your messages and will try to pop on at times during the week.

Hi Kate

I am another of your silent followers. Glad to hear that you managed to get home for a visit. Shame about the problem family causing so many issues - their smoking is clearly going to be a problem so I hope your mentioning it to the sister will get it sorted.

enjoy your pampering.

Love Lilac

Hi Kate - Great that you have been able to find a computer you can use there, because we are so pleased to hear from you first-hand. Sounds as though things are gradually improving which is just great. Hope you enjoy the pampering. Surely people can’t be allowed to smoke anywhere that it will affect other patients - problem family or not this is just not on and I hope it gets sorted. Thinking of you. Sarahx