just starting chemo with Epirubicin

hi there Leigh, you’re very brave with the head shave, I am going to do the same when it gets uncomfortable I will cut the length and Dave is then ready to give me a number two with his clippers, that way there’s loads less to fall out for the final countdown!! chin up, you will probably have a cry I guess, but then its over with and on with the wigs and bandanas etc.

I have spent three years growing my hair as Dave likes it long so its a trauma for me and I can see you have lovely shoulder length hair too and are no doubt equally sad to see it go. But hey, sooner through the treatment sooner regrown again so bring it on.

thanks for your encouraging words about the treatment have managed a meal today and some fruit and yoghurt so thats rather good. Looking forward to day three when I can stop the steroids as even tho I take the second dose early evening I am still lively !! bring on a good kip!!

hope you have the best New Years Eve you can and keep in touch.
love Carol x

congrats on your wedding.