Kadcyla vs Phesgo

Hi Sam,
That is such wonderful news, so pleased for you. How are you feeling now? Hope you’re healing well, gaining back strength and starting to rebuild your life. I had my penultimate Kadcyla last Wednesday. Feeling a bit weak and breathless as my blood levels drop but not too bad and hopefully will be on the up again next week. Then start to get back some strength ahead of my son’s graduation at the end of September. Will be having an oopherectomy in October, and will be continuing with Letrozole but hope to return to work (I run a psychotherapy private practice) before or just after Christmas. Treatment will have been 17 months in total but I know I’m lucky to have been offered so much on the NHS.
Wishing you all the best.

So glad you’re managing @Thetawave. I know how hard it is to have to face and do another 10 months of treatment when we’ve already been through chemo, radio and surgery, but once completed we’ll be so glad we did, to know we blasted any residual cancer in the macro cells and that we threw everything at it. We do it for our children and future grandchildren, to be there for them and to enjoy of much of life as we can moving forward. I lost my Mum to this dreadful disease 27 years ago and I know how lucky I am to have been offered so much, as she wasn’t, they didn’t have the understanding or drugs back then :frowning: .
Nearly there now, you’re doing amazingly.xx

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Have they offered you a bilateral oopherectomy @Thetawave? xx

Thank you so much Nellby23 xxxx