Really hope it goes well, please please contact Daniel Field for advice it’s free no obligation. It helped me so much not to see a sick looking lady looking back at me in the mirror and to have everyone treat me as normal because they expected me to look sick and I didn’t.
Yes the cold cap adds time to the chemo process but it’s been so worth it take a good book, packed lunch or your iPad and dig in
For balance, it’s worth mentioning that lots of us are cold capping without Daniel Field, and having good results. I did a consultation with Daniel’s team before I started chemo (I didn’t speak to him direct but someone who worked for him). She seemed nice but the shampoos are expensive and none of what they say their products do has been tested/peer reviewed by scientists, unlike the cold capping machine itself.
I was in The Christie yesterday and one of the chemo nurses had just come back from a cold capping conference w Claire Paxman (who makes the machines). He came over and asked if I’d bought the shampoos. Someone at his conference had directly asked about Daniel Field and she was v wary about some of the claims.
I don’t have strong opinion on this, and if it works then that’s amazing. But felt it was important to share another view as it’s fresh in my mind from yesterday afternoon. Xxxx
See my post above re shampoo etc and links to other charities that can help as well as Paxman website.
I have shed a little and still have a full head of hair. Without cold cap it would have been gone.
I looked into Daniel Field and it’s on par with Percy and Reed products but I’ve either purchased at discounted prices on QVC or their own website, which Daniel doesn’t seem to offer.
Jasmin from worked for Trevor Sorbie and she recommends affordable Faith In Nature £6.69 for 400ml which I have also used. So definitely more pocket friendly.
Thank you.
You are right about shampoos, I didn’t use the Daniel Field Shampoo. I used Dove daily light moisture shampoo and tried not to wash my hair too often.
I used the Daniel Field products for the cold cap process and the active daily hair /eyebrow/eyelash serums everyday between chemo treatments. I think these helped me but as you say everyone is different, I can only repeat what the chemo nurses said to me about the amount of hair I kept and that they had not seen so much retained even on the cold cap.
so pleased you were able to keep so much too
good health to you
Hi - I have been offered docetaxel and cyclophosphamide four sessions every three weeks or Paclitaxel every week for 12 weeks.
I have real concerns about the Docetaxel hair loss and possible long term incomplete hair growth / aloplecia
I have been told I can try the cool cap with either of the them, the 4 sessions or the 12 session.
Probably a lot will be to the actual dosage of Docetaxel but does anyone have any information on this and their hair loss I am aware every persons cancer is different but would be helpful
Thank you
I can only speak from personal experience, I cold capped for 12 weekly Paclitaxel and lost two small patches bone my ears and shed all over. I had a lot of hair that I had cut into a pixie as I was told even with the cold cap I could still loose my hair. Another lady in the cancer unit was having the same regime and lost 50% of her hair with a cold cap.
Paxman have lots of information on [cold Cal website](, there is also a charity called Cancer Hair Care run by Jasmin who worked with Trevor Dorbie also offer lists of advice with caring for your hair whether cold capping or not.
This is a very useful thread to read
You can also search ‘cold cap’ in the forum and see what comes up.
As you say we are all different and tolerate the treatment differently, not to mention all our hair is different, so it’s hard to say what will happen.
Cold capping can be challenging especially for the first 10/15minutes, I tried paracetamol but realised that distraction worked better for me ( reading a book or watching something on my device). Making sure the cap is used correctly is also important ( see link above).
I had 12 weeks of Paclitaxel /Carboplatin and then 4 cycles of EC. The cold cap has definitely helped me keep my hair, however, I did lose 90% of it over the course of the treatment. The good thing was that I was losing it slowly, so I was never bold, because by the time some of my hair had fallen out, some of it has already regrown. I’ve lost quite a bit of hair after I finished EC, but some of my friends haven’t even noticed that I had chemo!
I would definitely recommend cold capping.
I did cut my hair shorter than usual and it was a good thing. I had a longer bob which I could tie with a crunchy. I’ve got fine hair and even with much shorter hair I had issues combing it, as the ends kept getting matted. No need having a pixie cut though, my bob length was manageable and it was nice to be able to put my hair in a short ponytail and keep it away from my face. I tried not to wash it more than twice a week.
Thank you for responding.
Yes I think I know it is inevitable I will loose my hair.
My hair is very long way past my shoulder blades and always has been it’s part of my identity and who I am so I am finding it difficult so I am unsure whether to cut it before treatment or start treatment and if becomes too thin will have to cut it
I was like you, had always had very long blond hair. For me getting a longer bob was a good compromise - luckily quite a few of my favourite celebrities were going through their bob phase which made it easier for me.
Had my first cycle of docetaxel on the 10th of December. Had quite a few side effects quite a few days later. Now 2 weeks on and ny hair is starting to come out.ive started using the cold cap not sure if it will work with the amouht of hair i have already lost.will keep using it but I think i will lose all my hair of this cycle is anything to go on.
Other side effects aching bones muscles etc.also got bad indigestion and cant taste much.mouth is sore.these side effects are quite bad so beware!
Paxman suggest keep going with the cold cap if you can protecting any bare patches with gauze or surgical cap as new hair growth is faster and better.
There is a monthly chemo starters group to share your journey with other having chemo at the same time. I found it really helpful. Here is the link for December 2024 if you would like to join
I used the cold cap as I read a few studies which suggest it reduced the risk of permanent alopecia which docataxel can cause. Following 6 cycles of ECT I have little body hair but 18 month following chemotherapy a full head of hair. Apparently the cold cap protects the hair follicle. I did have hair thinning and a couple of bald patches by the end of chemo but I feel cold capping was successful as I avoided permanent alopecia.
Hi Mich54
Well done for going with the Cold Cap. I went that way and was glad with it being winter time. I did loose 50 % of my hair, but it grew back much stronger and curly. Not bad for someone who’s hair wouldn’t stay in a perm being too strong.
My taste altered and it will come back. I knew what food i likes so just persevered eating the same if it was good for me, although on chemo days i had a ready meal with some veggies ready for a quick meal before retiring to bed. I jus t wanted to sleep. Sorry but aching limbs is part of the package. But a bath before bed can help, or even if really bad one paracetamol every 3 hours. This method manages the pain better, i was advised by a nurse.
It helps to take nibbles with you, although the nurses got quite envious of some of my treats, and once i’d rung the bell a gave them a box of them.
i’ m going into 3 years the other side, but feel free to come back with any more questions. you will get through this . keep positive - love and hugs Moonsox
I have had 3 cycles of
s of docetaxel and they used the cold cap for two cycles as my hair became thinner on the scalp and they cant put it on if the scalp is i didn’t have it in my hair has become really thin and still comes out due to this particular drug. Docetaxel is very strong had a lot of nasty side effects
I’m sorry you weren’t able to continue. But I feel you have been misled. They can continue with the cold cap if you have bald patches, they just needed to be covered with gauze or a surgical cap. Continuing with the cold cap can improve regrowth.
I think once you have stopped is will be too late to restart.
I wanted to post this to keep everyone informed as I don’t think some of the staff are very pro cold cap due to time and effort to use. But it’s not them who are losing their hair.
@naughty_boob Totally agree with you. I did it for the first time on my first EC 4 days ago and the nurses told me not to wash or brush my hair for a week! (This is total myth so i found out).
I went on to these two sites that you recommended and they are brilliant. These people are the experts on the Paxman cold cap. They certainly know their stuff!
So now i shall go back on my second cycle and educate the nurses on it .
Thank you for your kind words. I do feel it’s so important people get the facts from the experts on cold capping. Well done for thinking about educating the nurses. They do all get training from Paxman experts but I feel they try to do short cuts to the detriment of the patients
I watched the Amy Dowden doc a few weeks ago on BBC iPlayer and was so upset to see her loose her hair because the put the cold cap on incorrectly with not the cap and its outer neoprene layer at the same time. She may or may not of lost some or all of her hair but the nurses didn’t give her the best chance and the doc made it appear it was cap that failed rather than the poor technique. Being on BBC so many will have watched it and think it doesn’t work and believe the nurses was correctly applying it. I’m sure Paxman owner was not impressed. I read about the poor use on social media, I think it was Dr Liz O’Riordan who had Claire Paxman on her podcast, and Claire Paxman liked the my post.
Maybe there should be a hashtag #coldcapworks. Although, I know not all chemotherapy works with cold cap.