Keeping your hair whilst on chemo - my experience on Taxol


Had my first cycle of docetaxel on the 10th of December. Had quite a few side effects quite a few days later. Now 2 weeks on and ny hair is starting to come out.ive started using the cold cap not sure if it will work with the amouht of hair i have already lost.will keep using it but I think i will lose all my hair of this cycle is anything to go on.
Other side effects aching bones muscles etc.also got bad indigestion and cant taste much.mouth is sore.these side effects are quite bad so beware!

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Hi @mich54

Please visit Paxman’s Cold Cap website or Cancer Hair Care for advice on how to deal with hair loss during chemo.

Paxman suggest keep going with the cold cap if you can protecting any bare patches with gauze or surgical cap as new hair growth is faster and better.

There is a monthly chemo starters group to share your journey with other having chemo at the same time. I found it really helpful. Here is the link for December 2024 if you would like to join

Take care :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I used the cold cap as I read a few studies which suggest it reduced the risk of permanent alopecia which docataxel can cause. Following 6 cycles of ECT I have little body hair but 18 month following chemotherapy a full head of hair. Apparently the cold cap protects the hair follicle. I did have hair thinning and a couple of bald patches by the end of chemo but I feel cold capping was successful as I avoided permanent alopecia.


Hi Mich54
Well done for going with the Cold Cap. I went that way and was glad with it being winter time. I did loose 50 % of my hair, but it grew back much stronger and curly. Not bad for someone who’s hair wouldn’t stay in a perm being too strong.
My taste altered and it will come back. I knew what food i likes so just persevered eating the same if it was good for me, although on chemo days i had a ready meal with some veggies ready for a quick meal before retiring to bed. I jus t wanted to sleep. Sorry but aching limbs is part of the package. But a bath before bed can help, or even if really bad one paracetamol every 3 hours. This method manages the pain better, i was advised by a nurse.
It helps to take nibbles with you, although the nurses got quite envious of some of my treats, and once i’d rung the bell a gave them a box of them.
i’ m going into 3 years the other side, but feel free to come back with any more questions. you will get through this . keep positive - love and hugs Moonsox


I start mine in January this feed has been so helpful for me in this journey :pray:

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