Last chemo tomorrow

Hey Everyone

Just want to tell you all that stage 1 of my treatment finishes tomorrow - its my last chemo!!! Feel excited and nervous - hard to explain. But stage 1 nearly down - 2 more stages to go - yeeeeeeeehhaaaaaaahhhhh

Have been back at work part time last couple of weeks too and thats been the right decision for me so all in all I feel pretty upbeat at the mo.

Hope you are all as well as can be
Sending love and hugs to all

Congratulations Sparkler and well done.
I too have just completed stage 1 of my treatment and I felt the same way as you. Next is an operation - I’m guessing that is next for you too?

Good luck for tomorrow and thinking of you

RebzAmy xx

Hi Rebz

Yep next stage surgery - they will scan me again the next couple of weeks then meet with the surgeon and decide on extent of surgery. do you know what your surgery will be?


Hey Fiona
Did you change your name?
Well done hun - thats great news, good luck for tomorrow. Glad you are feeling upbeat and happy, you have had a rubiish time with all your family stuff too.
I had my last one about 10 days ago - feel kinda weird, not as excited as I thought…probably due to the forthcoming Bi-Lat Mast I guess!!!
Still onwards and upwards hey?

Love and hugs


Well done - that’s brilliant! Another milestone completed.

Wishing you lots of luck with the rest of your treatment.

Love Julie xx

Hi Fiona

I’m having a mastectomy and lymph node removal. I was hoping to just have a lumpectomy but this is not to be. Then follows 3 weeks of radiotherapy followed by herceptin for a year.

My operation is scheduled for 28th November and I go in the night before and come out the following Monday. Looks like you’ll be following right behind me.

Rebz xx

Congratulations Fiona!!!

I hope you are gonna get celebrating that milestone as soon as you feel up to it, I did and it was a great feeling!!! So, crack open the bubbly 'cause you’ve done so well and come so far already.

I wish you well for your forthcoming surgery. I had mine before chemo and am now on rads. Personally I found the surgery mcuh easier to cope with compared to chemo. The ‘exercises after breast surgery’ booklet form this site is awesome and well worth ordering,

Take care and congrats once again,


Hi All

Thanks so much for your good wishes. Thats me home and its done and dusted - for some reason I felt rreally nervous this morning but feel happy now its done.

Have also got a date for surgery - 10th December - meet with surgeon on 23rd Nov to see what kind of surgery I need - feeling happy I have dates now.

Hi Ali - yes I did change my username. Feeling very upbeat at the mo - hope it lasts!!

Wishing you all well with your treatments

Lots of love and hugs

Well done Fiona hope last chemo and stage 2 and 3 go well.

Kim x

Thanks Kim


Fiona, Ali

Just wanted to jump on this one too - haven’t be in touch with you for a while - I had my last FEC a week ago. HURRAH!!! Think Julie was about the same stage too - Hi Julie if you read this.

I have appt with consultant on Mon to get results of my MRI but I’ve chosen to go ahead with mastectomy rather than rads - just don’t wanna give the disease any more chance to come back so that’s my best chance. Horrid as it may be I’ve got my 2 young children to be there for.

As for chemo, wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy…

Good luck ladies

Hi Mammabee

Istn’t it a brilliant feeling to know theres no more poison to go in - yeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Think am still on steroid high!!!
Know next week will be different but hey ho - for the last time.
Stage 1 finished - 2 to go!!

Take care all
And good luck