Last one

Hi everyone
Just wanted to share my joy at having had my last CMF chemo yesterday. I have been told that all of the cancer has gone and that because I had clear lymph nodes and no signs of cells in my blood there is little chance of cancer returning. RESULT.
It has been a hard slog through chemo (I still have rads to go) but to you all there is light at the end of the tunnel and that mountain that stares you in the face when you start chemo soon reduces to flat ground. Of course not everyone is as lucky as me but my message to you all is NEVER give up hope, keep fighting and be positive all the way through. Negative thoughts donot good at all. Be brave, be strong.
Love and hugs and best wishes to you all
Pauline (mommyw)

Hi Pauline,
Congratulations on getting through your chemo!
Yes it does seem like a huge mountain in front of you when you start, but like you say, that mountain soon becomes flat ground.
My last chemo has been delayed (only for a couple days) but I’m so looking forward to getting it over and done with. I had 26 nodes removed, only 2 were affected by cancer, so I’m keeping my fingers (legs, eyes and everything else) crossed!

Good luck with the rads, nearly over now girl!
Well done.


Wooohooo! Way to go Pauline! You did it, you’re through it, and rads is a breeze. It’s been quite a journey I’ll bet. I’m 9 weeks after last chemo, 2 weeks after last rads, and I’m starting to feel pretty good.

Elaine, you’re nearly there too. High Five everybody!!!

thank you fluffyduck and caroled for your comments, good luck to you both for the future

That’s fantastic Pauline!!

I’m 6 weeks since last CMF and 4 doses into my rads. Still on the climb upwards to normality but it’s definitely now in sight.

Elaine - you are so nearly there, good on you!!

Just keep putting on foot in front of the other ladies, don’t look too far ahead just the next few steps, and soon you will find the ground starts to level out and it gets easier.

Hi Pauline,

congrats on the last chemo, I was diagnosed nearly 4 yrs ago and still remember that great finished feeling, I always celebrated with JS to good to be true triple cheesecake and champagne, did it on chemo, rads and herceptin, just tamoxifen to go…

Debbie XX

Well done Pauline. I’ve just been diagnosed, grade three, invasive ductal along with DCIS. I have to see the surgeon on Monday re mastectomy, and then chemo to follow. I’m petrified, but it’s good to know there is a light at the end of the tunnel as your story shows. I hope one day to be able to type a post like yours.



If it helps, I too have grade 3 invasive ductal. Had my surgery (WLE) 2 weeks ago and awaiting appointment with oncologists. I truly believe there is a light at the end of the tunnel, but it seems to be a long tunnel!

Julia x


The end is in sight!! I have my last CMF on bonfire night and my first rads on 30th November - my 35th wedding anniversary. I plan to be here for my 45th anniversary and bc is like eating an elephant you take it one bite at a time. There is always hope and there is a light at the end of the tunnel it just sometimes seems a little dim

