LD Flap Reconstruction

Dear Roadrunner,

Like Dahlia, I have been left disabled after having a bilateral mastectomy with immediate LD Flap recon with implants. I was a very very active person before this op…even managed to do Spinning classes throughout my 8 cycles of chemo. Nothing prepared me for how I was after the op which I had in August 2008. My life has been turned upside down. I can nolonger do all the things I enjoyed in life. I cant even swim anymore and I surfed before all this.Even getting out of a chair is a struggle and I was a professional dancer. I had my implants removed thinking it may help but it didnt. So now I have no breasts, huge 8 inch scars on my back, I cannot move freely and am in pain most days.
Im sorry to be so negative about this op but I would not want to wish the pain I have had to endure on anybody. If I can help one person avoid this then I will feel that at least something positive has come out of this horrendous experience.
I know there are people out there that say they have sailed through this op but had I known the risks involved I would NOT have even chanced this op and would have chosen another option.
I am about to start revision surgery (with a different surgeon) in January. I am praying it brings some relief.
Please, please think before you have this op. Explore all other options.
Best wishes,
Sandy B X