LD Reconstruction

LD Reconstruction

LD Reconstruction Hi to everyone,

Just out of hospital last Tuesday, having undergone Mastectomy and LD Reconstruction in one operation. The op went really well, and I’m sure once the swelling goes down I will be perfectly happy with my new boob.

Just one thing if anyone has experience of this procedure when does the swelling under the arm (lymph Glands removed for check) go down and does the boob remain rock hard. At the minute I’ve got a mellon and a grape stuck on my chest.

Would be good to hear from anyone for reassurance.


Swelling Hi
I had LD reconstruction 5 weeks ago today, (diagnosed July 03), so for various reasons waited a long time for reconstruction.
After initial surgery and lymph node removal the swelling under my arm, went down very quickly, within about a week.

5 weeks after LD, I am still quite swollen under my arm, although it has gone down a lot (in the last week) and my surgeon has told me that this is quite normal and to be patient. He says that the swelling is caused by the moving of the muscle and leaving the blood vessels attached. It has been very sore, but has suddenly in the last 3 days got much better. So from my experience it was over 4 weeks before the swelling went down. Ice packs did help, small bags of peas kept in the freezer and then popped in to a cotton sock!

The LD has been much more major surgery than my original WLE (I had approx 50% breast removed), and has taken a lot longer to recover.

Please be patient and look after yourself, don’t try to do too much, it will get better.

Swelling Hi Nellie

Thanks for taking the time to reply. It was just what I wanted to hear. The reconstrcution went very well, was just a litle worried that the swelling was a sign of infection, although i feel perfectly well in myself.

Thanks Nellie

ld reconstruction reply hi i had a Mastectomy and LD Reconstruction in one operation on the 15th january 07 they also removed lymph glands aswell i know exactly how you feel with your melon and grape!!! i would have stated the size of the moon and a grape!!! 4weeks post op my boob doesnt feel as large even after having more fluid ‘100mls’ put in the expander last monday, it still feels hard but again not as bad as when i first had the operation.

yes it does get better I had the same done last november the swelling does go down but mine still feels a lttle hard i still go for top ups every 2 weeks and my breast has felt tender perhaps because it is getting bigger i will be having breast reduction on my right side soon but not sure what to expect and would be grateful for peoples views please. keep ur chin up nellie you sound like you are doing ok. I have returned to work now
best wishes

thanks nellie Thanks Nellie
I had the same procedure as you very recently and am glad to hear that it is normal for the swelling to go down over a month or so - the hospital did not give me this vital piece of information and so I have had a few days of unnecessary anxiety - I will now be patient and hopefully see the swelling decrease over the next month or so.

Same here Had similar op recently and good to hear that others are experiencing the swelling so I am not going to worry so much - had been told by my surgeon that the end result will take a couple of months to see.

I am starting a new post as I am all over the place at the moment and would like to compare notes with any of you that had reduction on other side at same time.

Anita x

LD recon + reduction - HELP! Home from hospital yesterday after mastectomy with immediate LD recon with implant and reduction on other side on Fri 23 Feb.

I am (was) quite large breasted (F) and was advised that it would be difficult to get a LD recon to that size. I quite liked the idea of smaller boobs and after consultation with my plastic surgeon decided to go for the reduction at the same time - I was worried about my reaction to waking up with one small and one large breast. So what I was expecting was my reduction to be larger than my recon and its so obviously not. I feel hidious.

I am trying hard to be positive. The op was Ok and I was just so relieved for it to be over and did not crack until day 6. But now I just can’t think of anything else.

I think he has taken too much from my ‘good’ breast. Even when the swelling does down on the recon, there is just so much more skin. I had large nipples but the skin flap seems a lot bigger than what has been taken away.

He said I could expect around a DD and I am aware that in a couple of months things will settle down. I had a lift too as was told the recon would seem high in comparison, but its not.

I keep wondering if I made the right decision, should I have waited for the reduction. At the moment I feel that they could take the recon away and I will have a prosthesis to match the reduction.

The reduction is lovely - never thought I would have such a lovely pert boob and a beautiful nipple - but it is almost too good for the recon to come anywhere near matching.

I know they can do adjustments later on and maybe this will all seem minor when I get my results next Friday.

Has anyone had a similar experience? Am I just expecting too much - after all I have breast cancer and I would rather be alive and well with odd boobs - but at the moment I am just all over the place.