hi i have just read some interesting threads on here as to people having chemo and struggling to get drips in as only have one arm they can use. After reading quite a few it seems a lot of people have BC in right boob so i was wondering is the right more prone to it. This is just out of interest. Also Sept seems to have been a real popular month for people to be diagnosed.
Have a gt day all
very foggy here in bedfordshire
Hi jal7777
I have just read your message and I could not believe what was said!
I had BC in right side and I was dx in September after extensive tests starting in March!
It’s very sunny here in Cornwall!
Hi all,
Well I am left boob & February!!
Sunny in Berkshire
Best wishes
Hi, I was told it is more common in the left boob. (Mine is in the right one.) I was wondering (as you do!) whether there were pros and cons as to which side you get it in. Versus whether you are right handed or left handed. Only pro for the right side I’ve thought of so far is that it probably gets more exercise after the op as I’m right handed. I’m talking nicely to the veins in my left hand ready for the chem next week.
Can’t think of any reason why there could be more diagnosis in September!!
Foggy in East Midlands.
Right boob & Feb.
Still foggy in the East Midlands
Cryst - I’m being treated at Leicester Royal, how about you? I’m off to Glenfield this afternoon for my one year on check up.
Roadrunner - I’m Nottingham way. Good luck with the check up. xx
Can’t remember who, but someone did a thread on left/right and age, size etc. It seemed to go on for quite a while and I think there were more lefties
Marilyn x
Hi All
I am left boob with diagnosis in April!
Cheers from a grey London
I’m right boob, diagnosis in August
Foggy and frosty here in Leicestershire!
Maddy xxx
Im Left boob, diagnosis December 2007
Foggy and Frosty here in Sheffield, was snowing but has stopped now
Debra xx
Hi Maddy,
I don’t see many posts from Leicestershire. I’m sitting in my office in Mountsorrel (between Rothley & Loughborough) looking out at the frosty trees.
I’m right side diagnosed in May 2007.
Still sunny in Cornwall
Hi, All
I’m left, diagnosed Sept 05. Mind you, I didn’t mention the massive lump under my arm until the August so I suppose it was a quick dx.
Very bright and sunny here in Stockport
Good luck to us all.
Hi Maddy & Roadrunner
I’m from Leics too!
Diagnosed May 2006, left boob
PS and lovely and sunny here now.
I’m left dx Sept 06
i am left.dx dec 07
Hi everyone
Left side and DX in Oct but there again I am normally late for most things!!
Very sunny in Fareham
Best wishes
Hi All,
just thought i’d throw in my right and Dx in Sept!! (05)
frosty foggy Oxfordshire
Hi All
Left and dx in July (05)
Cold but now sunny in this part of Oxfordshire
Left side. Dx in July 07
Lovely and sunny in Hampshire
Vanessa x