Leg Cramps and Tamoxifen

I have been on Tamoxifen for about 2 years. I started getting horrible cramps in my legs at night. I even had cramps in my feet one night that were extremely painful. I started working out - crossfit - about 5 months ago to get my strength back. Anyone else feel like it’s hard to regain muscle after chemotherapy and being on tamoxifen? Anyhow, a few months or so ago, I stopped having leg cramps. I can now stretch in bed without cramping up. I know that intense exercising is what helped me. It was a pleasant surprise.

Hi I know this sounds daft but my Aunt swears by putting a bar of soap under her bottom sheet in bed!!! Says it stops leg cramps!! Might be worth a go!!

Hi all, I am on tamoxifen for 7 years now and the side effects are getting much worse. (To many to mention)The leg cramps are unbearable… I’ve tried everything and nothing seems to work. I have spoken to the oncologist and they are considering changing my meds which would mean an injection every month to turn off the ovaries and a daily tablet. Has anyone ever had this mentioned to them before I’m 41 and I don’t know if I’m ready for a full blown menopause.

Hi, I have been on Tamoxifen for 2.5 years now. I also had awful aching legs (thighs) - mainly at night. Sometimes cramps too but I think this is separate.
Someone in another forum recommended taking Clarentin (Loratadine) each day. Yes this is usually for sinus or allergies and it sounds bizarre, but it definitely works for me. Takes a few days to kick in but now my pain is 80% gone.
I almost didn’t believe it so I tried going off it, and within a few days, the pain was back.
There are a few studies online if you google it showing that it can aid with muscle pain / DOMs.
Try it out.

Ps - I also take Magnesium to help with the cramps

Hello everyone, i have been reading your posts with great interest as i am having issues possible related to tamoxifen too.  Heres my history:

48 yrs old, diagnosed April 2018, grade 2 IDC. Had MX no recon in May with SNB, 2 nodes affected and 1 micromet.  6 x FecT chemo which finished 24 Sept, ANC clearance Oct (remaining nodes all clear), 15 x radiotherapy (finished 19th Dec 18).  

I am now on Tamoxifen for 10 years.  I was suffering with heavy legs towards the end of my last chemo but nothing lkke now.  I have been on the Tamoxifen for about 6 weeks and as well as nasty night sweats i have a achy legs, worse on outside of thighs and down the backs, knees, feet hurt when i wake up.  Hips ache, sometimes just one , sometimes both.  My butt cheeks ache like ive done 1000 squats somedays and lower back can ache.  If i sit for a period of time i am so stiff to get up.  Today elbow jointz ache too and fingers stiff.

My Onc nurse initially said. Its the docetaxol chemo still affecting me and suggested taking magnesium and zinc which i am doing.  I also try epsom baths, i get some relief but then some days its so much worse again.  

I read your posts about different brands and my first month was .Wockhardt this month the box says “Mylan” but the pills inside on the packets say “Teva UK”, is this the same company?  I dont trust my pharmacy as there is no leaflet in this second box and they have changed the wording on the box to state 28 pills instead of 30 a d have cut 2 pills of the end of a packet.  I am just trying to keep note of which brands feel better, if any, and am confused.

Any advice would be fab, sorry for long post!


Hi Helena, thanks for the information.   I have been back to the pharmacy today, unfortunately it is tied to our doctors practice and lots of people in our village are experiencing problems with them.  I double checked with them and I have Teva pills in a Myla box?   He said he didn’t have enough Myla to give me so split them, I corrected him on this as he gave me all Teva just put them in another box, I asked about the leaflet which he then gave to me but this is a Wokhardt leaflet as he doesnt have either Teva or Myla leaflets!!  I just want to keep to one brand for a few months to see if the side effects get any better and its making life difficult when they are muddling them up.  I have another perscription due on 9th January and will see what comes then and will then make sure I ask up front for the same brand.  He didn’t seem totally convinced that different brands would be any different… he would if he tried them!

Watch this space…

