leg pain

Hi Lindsey, below 20 CA15-3 is excellent! I hope you have a very l–o–n–g spell with Femara. I don’t know if Femara is your first treatment but I also had a long spell with Tamoxifen which works in a completely different way to the A.I.'s so if you haven’t already tried it another to put in the store cupboard. Best Wishes…x

Hi Belinda, I only know the one reading, it’s probably in my notes “she wants minimum info” because right from the start, I wanted to know only essential info (am a bit bolder now)… onc/bloods test due early Dec. so I’m determined to ask about my tumour marker this time!
Yes, Femara (letrozole) is my first-line treatment, strongly ER+, also PR+, Her-neg. And I haven’t had chemotherapy.

Hi again Lindsey, I chart my TM’s (!) so I can follow the graph and my reaction to the treatment. I’ve been living with bone mets for 5 years so have gotten bolder over time! Like you I’m er+ pr+ and her2 -. I’m on my first chemo and was dreading it but it’s been ok. It’s Xeloda and in tablet form…so it feels like a hormonal rather than a chemo! Plus you keep your hair and I’ve kept my energy levels…I’ve found it easier than Arimidex and have finally lost the A.I. stiffness most of us suffer from. 5 years on from my stage 4 diagnosis I still have no bone pain…hope this post helps…I know I so wanted to hear of others doing well further down the line when I was first diagnosed. x


Just wanted to come back to you - you have been through the mill - I just read your starting post - and you dont have to explain yourself or apologise to anyone or any doctor for having a concern checked out…so go for it.


Thanks for all the replies xray on weds c what comes of that

Good Luck for Wednesday Jackie…x

Thankyou all, particularly Belinda. Hadn’t read your thread till today, but my doc has ordered a marker blood test but don’t know if it is the one you mentioned. Also booked for a repeat bone scan. Doc thinks it very unlikely to be mets but says I did the right thing going back early.

So should know in about 2 weeks whats what. Hope you are all ok.


Hi Irene, yes I read on another thread you were having a blood test…Good Luck, I hope all will be well…x PS all the w’s dot labtestsonline dot org dot uk (written so the mod doesn’t delete the link!) is a good site if you haven’t visited it already.

Thanks Belinda, have had a look at this site.

Hi Jackie, just wondering if you have to take painkillers? I have had similar symptoms off and on for the last 3 years, had bone scans and x-rays and it’s been put down to sciatica!

Good luck

Tina x

Hi Jackie, just wondering if you have to take painkillers? I have had similar symptoms off and on for the last 3 years, had bone scans and x-rays and it’s been put down to sciatica!

Good luck

Tina x

Hi Tina
No dont take pain killers as im on warfarin i cant take ibrupofen which is the one that works for me.
Pain is more niggly with odd sharp pain but it only last a few seconds

Hi Jackie

Ive been suffering with pain in my leg which have now put down to sciatia Im on Clexane so cant take ibrupfen have you tried co dydramol that seems to be working for me.

Beli x