Letrozole and turmeric - I want to shout from the rooftops!

I’ve just switched from Letrozole by Accord to Letrozole Femara.
I did a fair bit of reading around and if I’m in it for 10 years I’m going in what I think is best. Had an immense battle with GPs to get the more expensive brand but my joint pain is much better.
I’ve also noticed an increased libido and generally felt better in myself
I too take tumeric and magnesium

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Thank you everyone. @ggx @Cat10 I’ve tried a couple of different brands and to be honest, Accord seems to be the best of a bad bunch for me and happens to be the only one they can get in my area…
@naughty_boob great advice, thank you and I will definitely give the shot a go!!
@JoanneN I think you’re right that often it’s the unknown rather than a specific danger or interaction with unregulated herbal supplements. I’m struggling to get hold of the nurses, but I’ll see how adamant they are, one way or the other. I’ll put turmeric in my food and try shots if that’s what I need to do.
I appreciate everyone’s responses - you are all so lovely :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
This sure is a hot topic!


My BCN is perfectly happy for me to take turmeric - as it has no relation to oestrogen she sees no reason why I shouldn’t. She had a quick word with my oncologist and he’s fine with it too. I’m so relieved and so happy that I can hopefully continue to feel good, and shout it from the rooftops!
Take care everyone, do what feels right for you, and stay well :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:🩷 This forum is great xx


@diddy1 brilliant news and now others will know the same. It’s always important to check with our teams as they are the experts.:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Thank you @naughty_boob - you’re so good at sharing information - and I hope this might help others too. As you say though it’s so important to check with the experts (which I should have done to start with :joy:) :blush:🩷 xx

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Brilliant news on the turmeric and I’m sure a lot of us will now look into it. Thank you for keeping us up to date and keep on shouting from the rooftops ladies xxx


Great news @diddy1 . Xx

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Please let us know what the oncologist says. I was VERY excited when I saw your post and ready to buy turmeric in large quantity as I also have severe joint pain. I have 2 more years to go.

I got his blessing and my BCN’s @bethdarling! I’m over the moon. Assuming you’re only taking letrozole/ alternative AI I’d say you’re good to go! Good luck, I hope it works as well for you :crossed_fingers: xx
Here’s a pic of the ‘magic’

Acupuncture really helped with my hot flushed, stopped the really intense ones and now only occasional mild one.


Getting some today. Thank you for sharing.

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@diddy1 and everyone

Missed your original post. I have been taking turmeric from before my secondary diagnosis. I told my oncologist of this and other supplements before starting Letrozole and Pablociclib. It was several months later when someone mentioned I shouldn’t be taking turmeric. I double checked with another oncologist at my next review and she was also content as my tumour had significantly reduced which showed the treatment was working well.
Hope that helps everyone.


Thank you @KazED - that’s really good to know :blush: also good to hear your initial treatment worked well. I hope you continue to do well. Sending hugs and positive thoughts :hugs: xx


Interesting to read this and now started to take tumeric today. Been on Letrozole since beginning of may and the pain in my right hip and thigh is unbearable some days and stops me sleeping. Done a lot of walking this week and have been ok when i have been walking for a bit but getting up and starting to walk my hip is really stiff and painful. Paracetamol helps a bit but the pain is stopping me from doing lots of things


Thats great to hear - I didn’t réalisé it could have such an effect. Ive no idea why it should interfere with any medication its a spice - likely in many curries

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Hi For boosting the immune system I take cold showers in the morning well one cold shower - and it did also help during my menopause (im 63 now).


I was keen to try turmeric as I am also on letrozole and have joint pain now despite being 52 and very active. But my BCN has advised against it and suggested glucosamine instead.
Lobular cancer - hormone positive cancer.

Hot sweats are becoming unbearable as well so have been recommended to try the anti-depressant venlafaxine. Not keen to take more drugs but not sleeping so need to try something as again I was told not to have Sage (which was working) and try starflower instead (which isn’t helping at all).

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I haven’t had any problems at all with Letrozole and I’m sure it’s down to the supplements that I take. I have checked with my oncologist, pharmacist and nutritionist and are counter effective. I take vit D3, Flaxseed Oil capsules, calcium bone formula, magnesium (at bedtime) and Vit C. I honestely have tons of energy and no joint pain.

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Just about the only thing I didn’t try was turmeric because it didn’t work for a previous injury - I’m taking it in a different form now . I’m sure your supplements help but if the official info is to be believed then most people do not get joint pains anyway so it’s not surprising that you don’t have them. I’m pleased for you and hope it continues to be that way but if this could always be fixed with supplements and exercise then there wouldn’t be so many threads about it on this forum.

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I didn’t mean to offend you in any way. I’m a massive fan of turmeric and also take it.
Reading these forums actually makes me question why I have no aches, pains, fatigue and even asked the clinicians and pharmacist once more whether my supplements were making my Letrazole ineffective. We are all on this frightening journey of uncertainty and every time that I see a small glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel, I get another call requesting to come in for more biopsies and blood tests.