Letrozole/Hair loss query

I’ve been on Letrozole for a month having done three months of chemo and two weeks of radio. Wearing the ice cap saved my hair and I only lost a bit thankfully. I had a gap of six weeks after finishing chemo before starting Letrozole and during that time my hair started to feel and look much better and I thought, great this is going to be fine. However in the last week, though I haven’t noticed my hair in my hairbrush like I did during chemo, it is feeling thinner when I run my hands through it. I’m now deeply demoralised that it’s going to keep thinning. Has anyone else had this and is it just my system getting used to the drug and my hair will do the same and the thinning will stop? Any advice gratefully received!


I was on Tamoxifen rather than Letrozole but I did notice quite obvious hair thinning particularly round the hairline during the first couple of months , it slowed down after that though thank goodness . When I stopped hormone therapy the hair came back as before .Hope it slows down for you soon , maybe you could ask advice in the Ask the Nurses section ?

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Thank you so much for all that. I’ve got to be on it for five years so fingers crossed it slows down.


Pretty sure it will , it’s alarming at first though , maybe your body adjusting to lack of oestrogen ?

Hopefully, makes sense doesn’t it. But god, no oestrogen at all for five years, not looking forward to what else that throws up.

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I am on Tamoxifen and was upset by the receding hair line, loss of hair (as seen in the bath) and disappearing eyebrows and lashes.

I now use UKLash for brows and eyelashes with a noticeable improvement. Not cheap and you have to continue using it while on treatment but it lasts a long time.

I also use Regaine (sold through Boots and others) along my front hairline and have seen noticeable regrowth. Enough to make me feel better anyway.

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Thank you so much, will buy Regaine immediately! Agree about UK lash, have been using that since chemo and it does seem to work.

I was on Letrozole but switchrd to Anastrozole and hair loss stopped
I also use products from Watermans to aid regrowth, build up thickness and stop dry scalp

Been in them for 2 months and definite working for me

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I also posted some great tips from cancer hair care charity ( use the search for hair products)
Good luck

I have been on letrozole since January - and lost all my hair following chemo. I have noticed thinning around the hairline, which was felt horrible after seeing it re-grow! But the thinning doesn’t seem to have gotten any worse. Although I do have a terribly dry scalp …

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Sorry but I lost hair all the time I was on Letrozole. My hair grew at quite a rate too. Have finished it a couple of weeks ago - and no hair now on my comb!! My fingernails also grew at an alarming rate, but were weak and broke easily but now I think they may not need cutting every week.
I did not have chemo.

Thank you for all that.

Hi Plumcat, I’m on Letrozole and had cold cap. I only lost about 40% of my hair when going through chemo, but now its grown back strong and -new to me- curly. I’ve had no side E from Letrozole pertaining to hair loss. Keep the faith, you were strong to endure Cold Cap, and i’m sure any current loss is nothing to do with Letrozole. I’ve been on letrozole 10 months plus. I did loose toe nails, but even these have grown back. It took 12 months for the Orange line in my nails to work through, and the easy tearing of them, but Pumpkin seeds high in zinc helped.
Keep the faith and keep visualising your hair growing back even with curls. Love and hugs xxx M

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thank you so much for replying, that’s all good to know! Hope you continue to be well.