Letrozole or Arimidex?

Hi ann

Yes I’ve turned into a bag of symptoms too although I’m trying not to be.

I feel awful today and it’s my daughters graduation!!! I’m just dragging myself round to get ready because I don’t want to miss is. It’s taken 5 years and a lot of hard work from all the family to get her to today. Just hoping I’m up to the family meal afterwards.

I started with tinnitus as well but last year. Sometimes it drives me mad. I downloaded a cd from the internet which is supposed to relieve it. It doesn’t, but it does put me to sleep. Every cloud has a silver lining.

My stiffness isn’t so bad now mainly my left foot in the morning when I get out of bed - strange. Why my left foot?

I’m still very tired and keep dropping off!!! Don’t need the tinnitus cd anymore! My kids say I can’t go into a care home with a crocheted blanket because they want me to look after their kids while they go to work. Lovely :-).

Well off to put lippy on now ready for the great event.

I hope you’ll soon be feeling better.

Love Jan xxx

I am starting Letrozole next week. I have recently been on chemo and before starting chemo I was on Aromasin. I have been on these drugs for 10 years now. Started with tamoxofin ( not sucessful for me), then Arimedex then Aromasin. My Consultant decided to change to Letrozole and I am happy to give it a go. I have managed well with these tablets and am never very sure which drugs produce which side effects or if it is just part of the BC mets. But as long as it keeps me here I will try anything that is offered. Good luck Anne. from Val X

Hello Anne,
If you want to stay with the "harmless"sleeping remedies,Tesco will keep me asleep till 2am,not long enough as Im sure youd agree .Ive actually become quite dependant on a prescription pill called Zopiclone,I keep asleep almost till morning as long as pain doesnt wake me up. To my horror the G.P. wants me off them so I`m trying to wean myself by nodding off with the help of a Tesco special or 3 then when I wake in the early hours,I have half a Zopiclone. Sweet dreams to all Mags xxx


Tesco what?

Ann x

Hi Jan, I forgot to add on my earlier post that I too suffer from Tinnitus and only got diagnosed this year. It drives me crazy too. How do you overcome it? Sometimes I can ignore it if there are people about and lots of talking going on. But as soon as it becomes quiet it can almost drive me insane. Someone told me it they have too much to drink it gets worse. If I am alone driving the car I need to put on the radio to escape the noise. If I awake in the night I cannot get off to sleep again unless I put on the bedside radi with my earpiece. My Tinnitus goes to the “beat of my heart” a sort of swish swish noise and is relentless. Jan, how to you cope and what is your “noise” like? LOve Val

Hi Val
Good luck with the Letrozole. It’s always a bit traumatic changing because your system has to get used to the new medication - a bit of an anxious time.
My Tinnitus is a constant ringing. Sometime it gets louder and then drives me mad. I’ve discovered that stress makes it worse and also if I’ve been somewhere which has been very noisy. I go to a dancing class once a week and it’s usually quite bad when I come out because the music is loud.
My GP told me to put the radio on very softly at night if it stopped me getting to sleep.
The cd I downloaded is a hypnotherapy cd. To be fair I probably haven’t used it enough to know if it works for my tinnitus, but it certainly sends me off to sleep and obviously masks the tinnitus. It really chills me out. There are quite a few similar cd’s. If you’d like the web address I can PM you. Only trouble is of course that you have to wake up to take your ear piece out.
I really don;t know what the answer is, there is no cure for it. I’m sorry I can’t help further but there may be someone on here who’s found something that works.
Keep in touch
Love and take care
Jan xx

Hello Anne
Sorry about that, “tesco Herbal Sleep Aid”.
I read the ingredients,think they`re cheaper version of “Calms” or “Nytol”,have a fruit drink ready,they taste disgusting as do the prescription ones. Nighty-night, Mags x

Has anyone had any bleeding whilst taking Arimidex?

Hi Scrabblenut, Yes I did. I was sent to have it checked out but was all okay and was told that a bleed can happen. It stopped soon after and didn’t return and was only “spotting” but as I had not had a period for 12 years it gave me a fright. But all was ok. Love Val


I have started getting tinnitus since being diagnosed, which obviously coincided with stopping HRT. I don’t know if it is the lack of sleep, the stress, the low hormones, or something else, but it is really annoying. Mine is a loud whistling noise. At first, I thought it was something electrical in the house, but then I got it in the car as well, so I guess not. It must be in my head. Either that, or I am picking up interference from the national grid - or aliens!

My doctor told me to ignore it!!!

Thanks, Mags. Might try those next.

Love Ann x

Hi Ann, I asked to be referred to the ear specialist earlier this year and was told that I had hearing loss in both ears and it was the higher pitched notes I could ot hear. I found the hearing test to been very difficult to judge. They put head phones on and you had to raise your hand whenever you hear anything. Because I was feeling stressed the noises were at their worst and I found it difficult to tell if it was “my” noise or theirs I could hear! I have since read that if your hearing becomes impaired, because you cannot hear properly, the brain magnifies your hearing and that is why we can get tinnitus sounds. Don’t know if this is true or not. It drives me crazy but there are times when I can ignore it completely if I am totally absorbed with something. The opposite happens if I am trying to read, or am in the car on my own. I love driving and do not feel stressed but the silence makes the noises worse for me. As if we didn’t have enough to cope with coping with BC! I am off to get my new lenses for my glassed put in today. So it is not just BC with mets that I am dealing with but all these added extras!! But I would still rather cope with all this than give up. It is good to talk to fellow sufferers of Tinnitus. Thanks for your replies everyone. Love Val

Hi, I have been on Arimidex for 4 months now and have experienced weight gain, joint pain, post menopausal bleeding (after 6 years) and breathlessness. I have been talking to my oncologist who has suggested possibly changing me to Letrozole. I would value any comments from anyone who has changed to Letrozole. I am waiting to make a decision but am finding it hard to do - 'cus when I look up the side effects for both drugs there doesn’t appear to be much difference. I realise that everyone reacts differently to drugs. The other alternative is to stop altogether… I just don’t know what to do.
Mags x

bloody hell ive just started with tinnitus!!! im off arimadex til 31st as i now walk like an old lady! i ahd searing pains in my shins so im going to ask for letrozole and see if that is tolerable

I have been on Letrozole for over a month now ( was last on Aromasin and before that Arimedex) and am coping fine with it. I did have the odd hot flush particularly in bed…but otherwise have found it to be ok. Love Val XX

I took Tamoxifin, then Arimidex and since June 2009 Aromasin. I had side effects with all of them but found that after 3-4 months the effects settled. I take my tablet before I go to bed, for some reason that seems to help, I may have SE’s in the time I am asleep but I don’t know about it.

Aromisin took just a bit longer to settle, had very hot hands and feet, flushes and other bits and pieces but they are mostly gone now just wake up in the morning feeling very warm.