Lift on other side after recon?

Lift on other side after recon?

Lift on other side after recon? Hi all, has anyone had this done? I had a mastectomy and lat dorsi recon 18 months ago and it’s shrunk quite a bit. It also hasn’t dropped to match the other side so I’m a bit lop-sided! My surgeon said from the beginning that if this happened she would lift the ‘good’ side to match. Due to have this done in a couple of weeks but getting cold feet - just wondered if anyone else had had a lift and would recommend it?
Hope everyone’s well, x

Hi there Dear Chatta

I can’t speak from experience as I am still waiting for the mastectomy. But yesterday I had that conversation with my bc nurse who said a lift was a doddle. Well, it wasn’t her breast but I was in tears at the very thought. I had no idea that anything else might be needed, and I am not vain at all. 55 and average looking anyway. But according to her it is fine. Do you have a good support bc nurse? Worth asking? The other thing she said was that it is up to you, and if you don’t want the lift there are cosmetic things they can do to the mastectomy - like a very small prothesis.

So ask! I am the last person to tell you to take control because I am scared witless at the moment. But see what your bc nurse has to say.

Much love


Dear Chatta and Dilys I had a lift/reduction on my left breast at the same time as I had tram flap recon on the right in June 2005. I have never looked back - the result is great! The reduction was not painful at all. I have a very faded vertical scar from the nipple to the base of the breast. I would definitely recommnend this procedure

Best wishes


I had my mastectomy and immediate recon almost a month ago and even before my op, my plastic surgeon mentioned about having a lift on my other side. They have made it sound a relatively easy and simple procedure and I’m all for it, i want something good to come out of this whole thing and pert boobs are definitely something i can live with! Please don’t worry too much about this, after what you have come through over the past 18 months it should be a walk in the park, and this is when things are going to start looking fab! I cant wait for my lift!

Let me know how it goes, take care, Mel xx

Hi Chatta

I had a reduction/lift to the other side at the same time as my LD recon at the end of Feb this year. It looks great. My nipple was reduced in size (not sure if this would be needed just for a lift) and any scarring would be at the edge of the nipple - mine is harldly visible already.

You are bound to be nervous but I would definitely recommend it!


Thanks Dilys, Anita, Kmans and Mel - it’s lovely to have all your replies. The procedure does sound ok from what you’ve said and I’m going to go ahead. How long does it take before the swelling goes down? I read somewhere that you had to wear a sports bra day and night for about 12 weeks after - is that right?
Love, Chatta

Hi Dilys,
Sorry to hear you are feeling so frightened at the moment - it’s just the most horrible time, isn’t it. Just wanted to say hang on in there and thanks for replying to my post when you’ve got so much to contend with yourself at the moment.
Love, Chatta

For Chatta Dear Chatta

Thanks for your message. I get so much help from you all that the least I can do is try to help someone else. You go for it! There has to be light at the end of this tunnel and there are women out there proving it.

Enjoy this weather!

Lots of love


Hello again Chatta There never really seemed to be any swelling on the reduced boob - or not so that i noticed! I wore a support t shirt (v cheap from matalan) for about a month after the op then went back into bras

All the best


Hi Chatta

I did not have any swelling on my reduced/lifted boob, in fact if anything it seemed smaller and has plumped out nicely. I am still wearing a firm support bra in the day and a lighter support at night - but this is mainly for my recon boob.

Good luck

Anita :slight_smile:

Thanks again all for all your kind replies. It does sound so much nicer than the recon! My recon didn’t work out that well, what with a 12" diagonal back scar which is still tight and soreness where the muscle’s been taken through. It’ll be nice to go without a bra sometimes just to be comfortable so at least after the lift this won’t look too odd!
Love to you all, Chatta x

I had a lift and a reduction at the same time as a nipple reconstruction and reshaping of the new breast. It took 2 hours and was done under local anaesthetic. I had no problems at all, little if any discomfort and no after effects from anaesthetic. My breasts now match very well and apart from the scarring you’d never know.

Hi Kelley That sounds very brave, having 2 hours of op under local! I will have to have some corrective treatment to my LD recon, probably at the end of the year when all my chemo and rads are completed (all things being well, fingers crossed). My surgeon said it could be done under local and I am not at all sure about it. I could have nipple recon done too, but not sure whether I want that or not yet, but I have plenty of time to think about it.
