I’ve had WLE and SNB, chemo, rads and nearing the end of Herceptin - just 2 more to go. I’ve started going to the gym to try and build up my strength and stamina again and have been doing some kettlebells with the lightest weight (2KG). I’d like to progress to heavier weights and I’ve heard some recent studies show some weight training can be beneficial to those at risk of lymphoedema.
gosh-that is so uncanny-i had wle but no node involement-3 weeks of rads -have gone to the gym and the guy who did my programme knew my diagnosis (only light weights )-i do carry very heavy stuff at work and a colleague who suffers from lymphodema said i shouldn’t be carrying stuff-and definitely shouldn’t do weights-so have come on here for some advice ! help ??
Hi Ladies,
from what you say - that you’ve had SNB only - your lymphodema risk should be small; it is those of us who’ve had full axillary clearance who are at greatest risk. The advice I have had is not to lift anything over 10lb/5kg with my ‘at risk’ arm and never to use gym weights over 1.5kg in that hand. I do sometimes lift heavier things using both hands at once but on the whole stick to the guidelines I was given.
Hopefully someone with lower risk of lymphedema will be along soon and can share more pertinent thoughts.
I ended up with lymphoedema in my left arm after my original MX & node clearance. Some exercise is good for the arm just don’t try any power lifting…lol. You’ll soon know if you’re doing too much so gradually increase the weights but avoid building too much muscle ( now is not the time to go for a Miss Universe title).