
please can some one tell me the different types of lines you can have i read all the different names on here…
chemo ruined my veins having herceptin now takes at least three attempte. time before last 5 and just now 6. the thing is i cant bear hospitals or operations is there an alternative. advice please thanks wimp…xx

Hi there

I have a portocath, it was put in under GA on Monday and will be used on my next chemo in 3 weeks (it was too sore for yesterday so after two stabs there we went for 3 to the hand till we got a bugger)

Beneifits: the portocath is below the skin and completely sealed so you can do anything you would normally, swim etc.

Drawbacks: I guess having the GA but some places do it under local (no thanks!!) Two more scars to add to the collection, one cut to the side of my neck to access the jugular and run the pipework into (I feel like an old boiler!) and another on my chest in the pectoral muscle to sit the port itself.

Cannot yet say how good it is, but will post when it first gets used.

Good luck in your decision.


I have a Hickman line which was put in under local anaesthetic. I was really scared beforehand but the local worked and I just felt lots of tugging and pulling which was OK. Afterwards I had a wound on my neck which healed after a couple of weeks. The line itself comes straight out of a hole just above my right breast (the non cancer side) there’s a 12 inch piece of tubing hanging down which I have to wrap inside my bra. Allso have to waer soft bra at night so I don’t tug the line out whn sleeping. I have to keep an eye on the ‘hole’ and be careful in bath and shower. You can’t go swinmming with a Hickman but I don’t go swimming anyway.

It’s wonderful being able to have blood taken and have chemo without hunt the vien (I’d had more than 30 chemos so my veins were shot to pieces.)

I would prefer a portocath…but my area they only do Hickmans…goodness knows why.

I’m pretty much a wimp too about ‘procedures’ but this one wasn’t anywhere near as bad as I expected.

Hope this helps.

best wishes


thanks jane and nikki it has helped. please do you know the difference between a portacath and a hickman line.
wow jane 30 chemos you must be very brave. i was only perscribed 6 but had to stop after 4 as very ill. mind you i think it was me and hospitals… if i could have had it at home i am sure i would have coped. having herceptin now and got the consultant to agree to me having it at home. its gt. i didnt know anyone could i thought it was private people only. well the nurse eventually got it in today after 6 attempts. now my good arms worse than mastectomy arm…take care both of you.

A portocath is embeded in the skin and therefore invisible. A Hickman hangs out and is very visible. As I said I’d prefer a portocath but didin’t get the choice.

good luck to you
