Hello everyone, this Forum is such a huge help, and fills in loads of gaps. I was told today by the surgical consultant, 5 weeks after finding lump at mammogram, and assorted scans, that I have secondary breast cancer in my liver. The consultant stated that there was no point in surgery to remove the lump (and nodes) due to this diagnosis, as I need to start chemo instead to treat the liver. As per usual (after 3 visits with him), I came away feeling very calm, but unsure whether I will be around for 6 months, a year, 5 years…and when I asked for a prognosis he refused to comment, other than to say it was serious. Thank god for the BCN, who was much more accommodating with information. And again, bless everyone on here for posting such positive messages and information…I just need to explain it all to my 19yr old son now.
Has anyone else gone straight to jail without collecting £200? BCN did confirm (after I mentioned seeing something written on this site) that surgery may occur further down the line, depending on how I get on with chemo/herceptin (I am HER+ as well).
Sheila x
Hi,Sheila,so sorry you are joining us. We are a friendly bunch of ladies.
There’re many ladies on here who have had liver mets for year. I’ve got,spine,pelvis,ribs,liver,lungs and chest nodes mets .I got the double whammy of PBC and SBC diagnosis in 2013.
I can’t have surgery as onc said its all over so no point.
We all tend to hang out on the bone mets thread so feel free to jump in but I do warn you we are all as mad as hatters .
Huge hugs,helen xxxxx
You are Her2 positive so will be able to take advantage of the current treatments which are very successful. Herceptin is your first point of call and if in England Perjeta. Not sure of clinical name of this. I have met suffers who are ten plus years down the line with liver mets at diagnosis. Take care and keep your spirits up. Yes it is serious it obvously is you have breast cancer but treatable at this stage. Anne
Hi Sheila
Sorry you have had to join us and it must be quite scary to come to terms with a secondary diagnosis at the same time as finding out about the primary diagnosis. We have all learnt over the years how to cope with our new ‘normal’ but it takes a while in anyone’s books so give yourself that time to adjust. I think most of us have felt more able to cope once we have a treatment plan in place and feel that something is being done. As your oncologist has said treating the secondary will be a priority so surgery for now will not be offered. It may be in the future but any treatment you do have will treat the primary and the secondary. One of the reasons for no surgery first is that it would compromise your immune system as your body would have to cope with the surgery itself and chemo isn’t normally given directly after breast surgery, there is usually a bit of a wait.
Because you are HER2+ and not had any treatment before I would think you would be most likely to have chemo of docetaxel with Herceptin and Perjeta (also known by its ‘proper’ name of Pertuzamab) however they may be other treatments discussed when you next go for an appointment. If you are on Pertuzamab there is a thread on here called that so it’s worth having a look on there for others who have gone through this treatment (me included) or are currently having it.
Please come back and ask any questions, however small they may be, you have a big learning curve ahead of you but here are plenty of ladies on here with years of experience who will be able to help and support you.
Take care
Nicky x
Yes I still work full time. But I do a desk job and my boss is great.
Hi, so sorry to hear your news, you’ve had some good replies already. May I add another… bc dx 2006 after routine mammo, multiple liver mets found 2009. Never had surgery, I still have breast primary. Am ER+PR+ but herceptin negative. Herceptin is an amazing drug but I just wanted to say to anyone reading this who is HER negative, it is possible to survive for more than 5 years with liver mets. I’ve had 4 chemos and various hormonals, good quality of life until about a year ago.
Hi Sheila we spoke earlier this month on another post and you were really helpful when I was worried about the MRI. So annoyed for you that the results of your scans were not what anyone wants and sending you a big hug & support. I have read about some amazing journeys on here from people with similar circumstances & send you every best wish on the next stage of the journey xxx