Liver Mets- Really Scared

OMG Tomboy…this is such a shock. I just want to echo everything that then others have said. I dont really have words to help but just wanted you to know we arfe all here, thinking and praying for you. You seem to be so brave and stoic, you are an inspiration. Much love.xx

Hi all. Thought I owed you a little update as to where I’m at. I travelled bank up North to be we with my family and was admitted to the local hospice on Tuesday. To be honest I was pretty nervous because about it because I’d never been to one before and I’d just got settled at home. I can honestly say it’s the best decision I made. It’s such a happy place and I have someone managing my medication, adjusting when needed. This totally takes the burden off my family so we can enjoy proper time together, rather than things slipping through the cracks. Ooh, whilst I’m here I’m also getting lots of yummy alternative therapies such as reiki, crystals an reflexology ?
Anyway, I’m wittering on and beginning to sound like an advert so I’ll leave you awesome ladies to it. Big love to Tournesol- I hope they’re managing to fix you up and you’ll be roaming the streets again soon! Thank you to Moijan for your lovely messages too. I don’t know how I would have got through this without my amazing cyber family :heart:
Right, I’m off to be stubborn and reach my 35th birthday in 3 days time…, Enjoy whatever you’ve got planned today- It’ll be the Murray match in my room today!


Hi tomboy was just reading your posts…enjoy the hospice they are not as scarey as people think.and only three days to birthday
Enjoy watching the tennis ?..and hope you get loads more therapys.thinking of you…xsharon❤

Hello tomboy
Glad u r back with your family and settled in with proper care .
Enjoy the tennis and your birthday …
Loads of love xxxx???

Hi Tomboy,
Lovely to hear you are being well looked after and are near your family. Enjoy all the wonderful therapies available and the tennis this afternoon. Happy birthday when it comes. ((((Hugs))) and best wishes xxx

Hi Tomboy, I am also in my local hospice - came in on Friday. I too was so nervous but it has been relaxing & I feel more comfortable than when I arrived. Complimentary therapies in the week here so looking forwards to perhaps trying something tomorrow. Enjoy some time with your family & stay comfortable . Much love.
Smartie x

Hello smartie and tomboy
These days hospices are like five star hotels for comfort and care. I visited a friend in one a few years ago …she had her bed and bay beside patio doors which opened onto a beautiful garden area and she was very happy and content to get the right care. She actually came home after a few weeks .after getting the right medicine for her bc and lived alone for some time …aged 88.
Hugs xx

Hi Tomboy… and Smartie.

Glad to hear you are both in a happier state than before. Its reassuring to know abot the hospices.

I visit one as an outpatient but have never seen the ‘wards’…scares me silly but now you have experienced them i dont feel so scared.

Tomboy, i hope yu have a lovely birthday with your friends and family close by.xx

Hi smartie and tomboy…thinking of you both…get plenty of help in there.takecare love Sharon.xx

Hi Tomboy and Smartie
Thinking of you both and hoping that you are getting as much support as possible from the hospice.
Sending big cyber ((((((hugs)))))))
Love Helen xx

Happy Birthday Tomboy

Love and loads of ((((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))) xxx

yes, Happy Birthday Tomboy???

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Just thought id bump up this thread, in case any new ladies werent aware of itxx


I have liver and bone mets. Mine seem to be reducing at present which is a blessing. However, 

i recall just how scary it was when I was given my mets diagnosisxx

