There is an American website called Living Beyond Breast Cancer, LBBC, who are having a teleconference on 21st April about Triple Negative BC. They did it last year too and it was quite useful. You can either dial in or get the transcripts later, just register with them.
Posted the info that was sent to me while tootling on this site, maybe there is some more news for us!, the US seem to be more advanced at discussing than the UK, lets hope there is some good news for us all.
Take care and… keep smiling!.
Carol xx
Remember to join Living Beyond Breast Cancer and the Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation for the free teleconference, Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: Treatment Update and Tools for Healthy Living, on Tuesday, April 21st, from 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). This teleconference can be accessed via telephone or webstream.