Lobular breast cancer and mri s

It is known lbc does nt show up well on mama grams and ultrasound but in canada our health care is going down hill…so have to go pay 1500 for one for my wife I’d pay any thing but u should nt have an onc look at you like your nuts when you ask for one he says go with the symptoms. .lbc is not usually found until later stages …she was very lucky diagnosed 2b grade 2 no lympth clear margins …post op post chemo…now biggest anxiety how to get a mri in a year …wife is àmazing back to work running again 5k plus …active thru chemo…going to go with hysterectomy and second breast removed…not much side effects on tamoxifen yet … I have utmost respect for al women going thru this …her on said bc is almost like diabetes …very treatable and curable …keep the faith be positive …one more this take charge off your own choices …second opions ect make sure referral s have beenn sent…we chose our ongologist and radiologist. …sorry for the rant