Looks like I'll end up with a DIEP flap after all.

I saw Mr Bonomi at Worthing Hospital on the 3rd and he was talking about a surgery date of January 30th to reconstruct both my breasts (I had expanders removed last November due to constant pain and tightness) and using a team of Surgeons to harvest the fat from my tummy while he gets on with the re-shaping of my chest. I would be the only patient on the operating list as he feels it could be a long surgery.

Then, on the 10th, I went to see a Plastic Surgeon at my local hospital as my G.P had referred me for advice on the muscle damage caused by the implants. He examined me thoroughly, the first Doctor to do this since my implants were removed last year, and said that he can see what has happened. Where the muscles were detached from the ribcage to put the implants in they have now re-attached themselves to the skin and I only have such good movement as other muscles within the chest/shoulders have taken over their function. He says I no longer have normal muscle function in the Pectoral Muscles.

He straightaway said he could think of 2 solutions to get rid of the tight feeling. 1) Botox the muscles and paralyse them, although that will only last 6-9 months. Or 2) inject some fat under the muscles to lift them away from the chest wall and improve the tight feeling that way. OR and this is where it gets scary he can offer me a solution to the tightness and the cosmetic appearance of my chest.

His long-term solution is the DIEP flap surgery to repair the muscles and reconstruct me all in one go. I mentioned the Lipomodelling and he says he does that himself but ONLY to repair small defects after other surgeries. He said it’s too difficult to re-create a breast “mound” only using fat.

He’s not rushing me into anything and has advised me to see his Breast Care Nurse and attend a Reconstruction evening next month and then see him again at the end of January.

As you can imagine I’m now starting to think twice about the Lipomodelling as Mr Bonomi is not going to address the discomfort side of things and for me that’s the primary reason for seeking out more surgery.

Incidentally, we put in a complaint to the Royal Marsden and their response letter states that “Damage to the chest muscles is an inevitable result of surgery”. Why wasn’t I warned of that prior to surgery? They are now also offering me an MRI of my chest.

We’ve taken legal advice and MAY have a case against them and have been advised to take them up on the offer of the MRI.

I am very scared at the thought of having the DIEP flap, especially as I’d originally turned this surgery down due to the long operating and recovery time but had I been told just how much damage to the chest the implants could cause I’d have chosen it in a heartbeat!


Very interested in your story. i am waiting on an appointment with a plastic surgeon regarding diep/tram flap surgery like you a bit scared of operation time and recovery time but think it will be the best option. would love to hear how things go
take care

Sounds like you have been through it. I have had one masectomy and looking at 2nd one and recon but do to lymphodema and rads to auxila likely to be tummy option too which really scares me silly as such a long op, they talked about putting expander in first to stretch my already flat side and then the flap op - hope you get on okay and go for the mri i had one due to having brca

Sounds like you have been through it. I have had one masectomy and looking at 2nd one and recon but do to lymphodema and rads to auxila likely to be tummy option too which really scares me silly as such a long op, they talked about putting expander in first to stretch my already flat side and then the flap op - hope you get on okay and go for the mri i had one due to having brca1 gene.

Hope things go well for you xx