Foundlump in Feb.
Loadsof tests, grade 3. Er and hr positive.
Had op in may, lump out, no nodes.
I also have eye problems, lost one to glaucoma, myopia and interoculst hemorrhage s in other.
Theywant me to have fec and docetaxel and herceptin, huge eye risks, not least the steroids. The Hosp don’t care, don’t even listen to my concerns, treat me like I’m making trouble. If they took me seriously they wouldn’t have chosen that one, its like they didn’t even bother to check.
TomorrowI’m phoning the Hosp to refuse chemo.
Iwas supposed to have an info session on Tuesday, prior to chemo, but I’d just get upset.
Thisisn’t the first time the hospital Has let me down, I just don’t want to have to go through another scene at a hospital.
Justwanted to tell someone
Hi Daisy23
Welcome to the BCC discussion forums where I am sure you will get lots of good, honest support from the many informed users of this site.
I’m sorry to hear you are unhappy with your medical team, perhaps our helpline staff will be able to help? Calls are free 0808 800 6000 lines open at 9am today through to 5pm (weekdays) and 10-2 Sundays
Take care,
Jo, Moderator
Hi Daisy,
Dont know where you are in the UK but perhaps you could try to get refeared elsewhere if you are unhappy. I was orginally diagonsed at my local hospital in London but insisted on being refeared to The Royal Marsden. I’m so glad i made that choice. Chemo was offered to me but i declined as only 3% difference and i live alone. The staff were so supportive and leave it to you to decide what you want to do. I hope youcan find a hospital and consultant you are happy with. Hugs Dee xxxxx