Hi all, I am on day 4 of my first fec chemo & am just wondering when you are at your lowest - immunity wise & for how long? X
Hi, I am on FEC and my low immune days according to the information is day 10 -14. They said to just stay away from supermarkets or people who maybe Ill. Hope this helps. Love Suzanne xxxxxx
Hi, I am on FEC and my low immune days according to the information is day 10 -14. They said to just stay away from supermarkets or people who maybe Ill. Hope this helps. Good luck love Suzanne xxxxx
Hi EAM 28…through choice (stupidity?!!) I worked (school business manager) through chemo 2 years ago with the full support of my Onc. Due to my working environment, she was very strict about the days I didn’t work, the ‘nadir’ or low white blood cell count days. For FEC it was days 10-14, although I was extra careful and used loads of anti-bac hand sanitiser(!) on days 8 and 9. If you are having ‘T’ (Docetaxol, Taxotere) then the ‘nadir’ days are a little earlier on 5-9. The advice she gave me was that we are more at risk from ourselves than others during these low periods, to follow a ‘pregnancy’ type diet and to wear gloves when gardening, cleaning etc. I did tend to avoid very crowded places but as germs can live on most surfaces for many hours using anti-bac was for me the way to go. I was hospitalised once as neutropenic, with an unknown infection, most likely due to an infected mouth ulcer masked by oral thrush…yuck!!! All the best for the rest of your treatment, be kind to yourself…take care x
Auw thank you to both of you - that really helps:). I will be on ‘T’ for the second half of my chemo so that’s good to know also. Anti bac at the ready then! Xxx