Lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy Friday

Hi all. Had my secpnd op yesterday and am very sore. Bit fed up at having to go through this all over again as I had just got over the last one. Get the test reults on 13 th . Faster than last time.

Hope you are all doing ok.
Veg. xxx

Hi Veg, I hope you feel less sore soon, and you get clear margins this time.
It’s 2 weeks today that I go back for my next op and I’m getting a bit restless with all the waiting but dreading going through it all again.
All the best

Helen x

I sympathise with you.I went through 2 ops in Aprl.I just had my penultimate chemo today and finish with it next Wednesday.The treatment all feels pretty crap at the time.but is as everyone says. it’s do-able.
I can’t believe I’ve come so far in the 8 months since diagnosed.If you need any information or just want to have a right good moan this site is the place to be!.
Good Luck


Thanks Helen and Tricia. At least I’m more used to it now and know what to expect!!
Glad you finish your chemo soon Tricia. I’ll be thinking of you Helen.

Try and keep your spitits up. I know it’s not easy.

Veg. xxx

Well it’s nearly “that” time again. I go back to hospital on Wednesday for a full Axillary Node Clearance. I am dreading this more than the last time, when I had the lumpectomy and SNB, and I was quite frightened then.
My sister-in-law is a nurse and because I had such a bad experience last time has advised me to phone my BCN and talk to her about my fears.
My sister-in-law suggests I ask for a pre-med so that I don’t feel so afraid when I go down to theatre, and also the possibility of having the cannula put in before going to anaesthetic room, there was so much “faffing” about trying to find a vein last time.

Has anyone had a pre-med? Do you have to ask or should they have offered me one?

I hope everyone is doing well!

Helen x

I phoned the BCNs at the hospital about the pre-med and they said I would have to ask the Anaesthetist tomorrow when I get there. I also phoned up today to make sure my medical “notes” would be there for the team, last time the only notes they had were about my Physiotherapy I was having at another hospital for a torn shoulder tendon and had nothing about the cancer. It would be nice if it’s a better hospital experience as last months time was horrible. I’ll hopefuly be back here in a few days

Helen x

Will be thinking of you tomorrow, Helen and hoping it will be a better experience this time.

Eliza xx

How are you getting on Helen?
Hopefully you are doing ok. Luckily I had clear margins after my last op and am now waiting to see the oncologist to arrange radiothaerapy.

Good luck

veggie xxx

Hi ladies,

I’m back out of hospital, had the drain out this morning and I’m home being cared for by my family, (don’t know how long they will keep it up so I’m making the most of the cups of tea etc). They let me home for the weekend with the drain in and I felt dreadful and did a lot of crying which is not like me but it was obviously what I needed. One son had his 18th birthday on Thursday and other, Autistic son had his 20th birthday on Sunday, so it was all rather emotional. I will find out next week if they found anything else from the full node clearance, then the next step will be chemo. I’m not sure if I’d prefer the chemo to start in the new year. I feel very worn out from 2 ops in 2 months. I hope everyone is ok.

Luv Helen x

Hi Helen
Glad you’ve got the second surgery ou of the way. Yes it does take it out if you. I hope your family are still spoiling you.

I now been on tamoxifen 2 wks and having just niggling proplems with it. See the oncologist about radiotherapy next wednesday.

Hope you have a quick recovery and that you get to enjoy Christmas. Let us know how you get on.

Love Veggie xxx

letter came yesterday, to go to hospital tomorrow if bed available?
it says for operation but i thought that was tuesday.
is it because i dont need the blue dye now ?