Lymph nodes left behind after axillary clearance?


Just wondering if anyone’s had lymph clearance, only to find a lymph node was accidentally left behind after surgery?

I had axillary clearance and mx nearly 6 weeks ago and today, an ultrasound showed up what looks like a lymph node… with cancer. It could be a cancerous cyst, apparently, but from what I’ve read, cancerous nodes present as cysts with calcifications on ultrasound.

It seems extraordianary that this is happening. I can’t understand how it can have happened. It’s about 0.5cm from the end of the scar so how on earth could the surgeon have missed it? Or has it grown since? And how can it have grown when I’ve had a cycle of chemotherapy? Do dead cancer cells show up on ultrasound as dividing ones?

If anyone has any experience of this or similar it would be good to hear from you.


Hi Jane

I too had the same. I had 2 cycles of chemo when a lump appeared at my clearance scar and it was biopsied and found to be cancerous. My onc said it might have been have been missed because it was in transit between the original lump and the lymph nodes. At this point I was taken off EC and put on to Tax and since then it is no longer palpable but as I have now finished chemo I am due an ultrasound to see if it has gone. If it hasn’t I will have another op to remove it.


Thanks Viv for your reply.

It is terrifying to think that this cancer is growing while I’m being treated with chemotherapy. Swapping to another regime sounds like a good idea. Not sure how much of a change I can have though, as I’m pregnant. The onc already said he wouldn’t use TAX until the baby’s born as it’s risky, although there is someone else on this forum who’s had TAX while pregnant.

I’m going to talk to my surgeon asap and ask if he would recommend removing it.

Did this extra lump really knock you? OH and i feel like we’ve been kicked in the teeth when we were recovering from a good beating.

Very good news that your lump has shrunk so much. xxx

Dear Jane,
I cannot offer any advice im sorry as I have not experienced this. but just wanted you to know I am thinking about you, and send lots of love.
Take care,

HI Jane

Yes it really knocked me for six. I felt the bad news just kept coming especially as I have lesions on my lung as well which they are still not sure are cancerous or not!!

My onc was not keen on operating before trying another type of chemo as it would increase the risk of lymphodema.

I would talk to your onc and see what are your best options, obviously as you are pregnant you have to be guided by that as well.

All the luck in the world for a good outcome.

Viv xxx