Lymph nodes

Hi Ladies only just seen this thread can I join in? I have found this so interesting to see how this all varies for us. I was found to have a Grade 1, 12mm lump on over 50s screening then at the recall ultasound showed 1 axillary node. The surgeon thought this was very rare and I was sent for a bone scan, CT scan and MRI scan.The latter showed a definite axillary node ( the BCN said they all thought it would come back as inflammatory node) so now have had 6 xchemo, having MRI tomorrow am. then back to joint appt with onc and surgeon on 6/5.Will be having WLE and radiotherapy definitely but may/may not need 3x more chemos this grade 1 lump is so stubborn ( but no one can feel it) Sorry should have added that the MRI scan also showed multi-focal bits around the main tumour inc. size to 2 cm which also put the tumour into both lower quadrants, hence the need to shrink it. What a b… all this LOL Jackie

Hi midge

I was diagnosed with stage 2 BC in Nov 2006, had mx and 3 lymph nodes out in Dec 2006, 2 nodes had cancer so went on to have full clearance. A further 33 nodes were taken but were all clear. I had 8 epi/cmf chemo and because I was er positive I am now on Tamoxifen. I feel quite well now apart from some weight gain and general aches. I blame the Tamoxifen but I think a lot has to do with the menopause. I am 52 and I think the BC came at an awkward age (not that there ever is a good age) as I would have been having menopausal side effects anyway. The Chemo pushed me into an early menopause which I dont think helped. Hope your treatment goes well.

Take care

Carolyn x

It really does show that there are so many different factors and everyones cancer is unique to them. Goodluck with yout treatments everyone. Dx

Hi Midge. I had mx in december 2006, 4/14 nodes, with vascular invasion. her 2 positive… had 3 fec and 3 tax 15 rads and 18 months on herceptin. I was convined my time was up. I am still convinCed it is when it comes back not if. Every ache and pain is the dreaded bc. I hbave learned to live with it and am happy happy happy. I am going to be 60 next Tueseday and never thought I’d get my pension and bus pass. I still think I’d better hide under the bed just in cae…you know them buses that folk are always on about…the ones that one might be daft enough to step in front of. When i was going through treatment I was ready to pull anyones head off who said that it could be a bus rather than bc. As I have previousley stated I will not be run over by a bus …personally I give ,em a wide berth knowing how dangerous they are lol. Hope this post cheers you up take care xxxxe eILEEN

Thanks Eileen. I too think that people should be more aware of the danger of buses- more warning posters, leaflets etc : ) . Happy Birthday for Tuesday. Dx

HI I was diagnosed with bc on the 19th march and had a wide excision lumpectomy on the 3oth march with full node clearance as my surgeon said they looked swollen and suspicious up to third layer ( i was devastated) but at my review appt 7th April my surgeon told me the lump was 2.6 cm ER + PR+ still awaiting HER status as borderline and had to go for FISH staining to another hospital but all my lymph nodes were clear ( fantastic news).However i am starting chemo 6xFEC on Thursday 6th May followed by RADS and tamoxifen .Iam really apprehensive about chemo and its side -effects and just hope you ladies can give me some practical advice on what got you through .Any help please ? JULIE xx