
Hi Juett.Had my appointment and found out everything i needed.They gave me my first zoladex injection there and then and also gave me my tamoxifen to start today.They did say that the radiotherapy will probably start after easter now.They asked me if i wanted to know informatiom and% and they told me i am oestrogen positive and the % are really good.They said that going on the next 10 years they give me a 98% chance i will still be here.Well that was great news considering new years eve i was thinking video diaries and what special items to leave my children to remember me by.Enough about me.Have you decided on your new hairstyle yet?Hope you are feeling a bit more reassured about wednesday.There are some reassuring posts on here at the moment of people saying it wasnt as bad as they thought it was going to be.Let me know how it goes. GILL

Hi Gill Glad to hear your going to be ok. Short back and sides for me on Monday, at lest my hair wont need styling in the mornings! just want to get wednesday over with. Sue

Hi sue,just came on quick to see how your haircut went.Hope it wasn’t too bad for you.GILL

Hi Gill My hair actuately looks good, some one who didnt know about me said it looked really nice without any prompt. Now Wednesday needs to go just as nicely. Sue

Hi Sue,thats really good news you like your new cut and to get a compliment too!! Good luck for tomorrow,got everything crossed for you.When you feeling up to it let me know how it all went.Thinking of you. GILL

Hi Gill Sorry not been on for awhile. Chemo went OK ,no sickness yet!! The only side affect seems to be heartburn, taking Gaviscon don’t know if I should but it does help a bit. I went back to work last Monday and feeling tried and seem to sit down at night and wake up 2 hours later. Still its nice to get back to some normality. Next Chemo after Easter hope it goes just as well

Hi Sue,great to hear you are not feeling too bad after your chemo.Hope the heart burn has worn off !! You were really quick in going back to work no wonder you are feeling tired !! I know what you mean about normality !! seem to have forgotten what that is.I have got radiotherapy starting next week for 3 and half weeks and although back at work at the moment i am wondering if i should ask for more time off as i am not sure about fitting everything into 1 day.RADIOTHERAPY/WORK/KIDS etc. Well good luck for your next lot of chemo after easter and hope it goes well for you.speak soon.GILL