Making a memory box for a toddler :(

Hello there,
just wanted to add that when I worked for Barnardos a few years ago they had a project to work with families where there was potentially life threatening illness and the support workers had loads of experience in making memory boxes with families…if you thought this might be helpful you could contact the Barnardos office in your region (good old google) and ask if they have such a project in your area. you could maybecheck through your lists of ideas with the support workers and see if they have any other brainwaves.
resepct and best wishes, Nicola

…I hope that you will find this helpful, altho’ it will be painful. H, the 33yr old sister of one of my god-daughters died last Sept (aggressive bowel cancer). Her daughter was less than a year old. H’s parents recorded conversations with her and, at her Thanksgiving Service, there was a brightly coloured box on a table, with coloured writing-paper by it and people were invited to put their memories of H in the box. They are also creating a life-story book for little S.

Thinking of you all, B