Manchester area not just Oldham meet up....

Childcare cobbled together. I have booked my place this morning for the moving on after a bc diagnosis seminar tomorrow afternoon at the genesis / nightingale centre in wythenshawe. Not got a clue where it actually is and no sat nav tmrw, so that’ll be fun. There are still places available if anyone else wants to go. It does look pretty good. You can access the link above to book your place.


I did that seminar at the YWF, the presenter was very good, it’s well worth it! X

Just bumping up in case anyone interested. Cheers tina, I’m looking forward to it.


i have booked to come along on the seminar tomorrow. i didn’t think to ask whether it was a problem if your on chemo or not. Anybody got any idea. Anyway, hopefully i will get there tomorrow. It would be nice to say hello to you all.

Maria x

I think it would be fine maria. Keep away from any sneezing people though! My friend with the same type of bc as you is coming too. I’m 5’5, dark brown 1 inch long hair and mid thirties. Might be slightly late due to cobbled together childcare. See you later.


going to ring to book a place now. see you later

The seminar this afternoon was great, very useful info and good to meet local women going through this bag of ****.

Am bumping up this thread for the ladies I met there, in case you want to do a post …


Hi Vickie,

It was great to meet you this afternoon in Manchester and anyone else who’s reading this who were there. I thought the talk was really good. It was good to put a name to a face and I have to say you made me chuckle when I kept thinking about “How Inspirational you are”.
Hope to see you again sometime,

Berenice x

Vickie-you are an inspiration, oh yes you are!!

Hi everyone

the meeting at manchester was great. i did feel we needed more time though. We all had soooo much to say lol. it’s great being able to moan about things and knowing everyone in the room knows exactly how your feeling. Its a great sense of support. Will anyone be going to the support group on thurs. It would be nice to see you all.

Maria X

Ha ha. Anyway, far from inspirational today, on settee with quilt. A week of no sleep cos my little boys have been ill, and now they’ve given me their tummy bug. Fabulous!

Hi Ladies

Yes, the meet on Wednesday was great. And everyone there was fantastic. I’m going to the Support Group meeting on Thursday 20th too. And I still need to register for the Fatigue session 16 March.

Have a lovely evening everyone. We’re going to my parents tonight for the Boxing Day party food we should have had which we didn’t because I spent Christmas in Christies!

Happy Friday x x

hi there, it was great to meet you at wythenshaw. i hope i didn’t upset anyone with my distinctly negative views on hormone therapy as i am aware some of you have not started that journey yet and i don’t want to worry u too much with my experiences - same as chemo, i guess it agrees with some people more than others and i was quite lucky as far as chemo treatment went.
After a week of verging on a nervous break down after seeing the onc on monday - i “empowered” myself, took some time off work spoke to BC nurse…(and any other poor sucker who would listen, or happened to fone - poor telesales guy got an earfull!) But i have arranged to go back to onc and see my own dr instead of a registrar so will hopefully have some answers in the next couple of weeks.
Thanks for listening guys.
Pix (andrea with the blue hair)

Hi furball

Hope your feeling ok today after your boxing day party lol. What a great idea, i,m glad you and you family are trying to make up for your horrible christmas.

See you Thurs as long as all is well.

Andrea, you certainly did not upset me. i,m so glad that you have taken sometime off work and chatted to the BC nurse. i was amazed by you - you work sooo hard, keeping your home, family and work going under very difficult circumstances. Why don’t you try and come to the support group on thurs, would love to see you.

Maria x

Hi, it was great to meet you on Wednesday. Can’t make support group on Thursday, as have last chemo - yippee! Maria and Furball look forward to hearing how it goes. Hopefully meet for a coffee and natter soon, it was really nice to speak to others feeling just the same!

Vickie, hope you’ve recovered from tummy bug. Andrea, hope your appointment with your own Doc helps.

Kate x

Hi everyone

Kate is this your very first post!!! If so, woohoo you aren’t just cyber stalking any more…!

Glad it’s your last chemo. Every day after this one is a day to properly get better, not just to get better enough to be poisoned again.

My bug has gone but my five year old threw up tonight so think it’s gone full circle and started again :frowning:

will figure out a date for a meet up. Kate, maybe in a few weeks if u have your Chemo this week?

Andrea, your hormonal hell didn’t scare me. Your big boots, blue hair, wood chopping and mountain bike marathons were however slightly un-nerving :slight_smile:


Hi All

Yes first post on a forum!! Hoping it will be a more uplifting experience than all the other new experiences of past 6 months…hot flushes, scars, all the other lovely side effects, and now newly growing in “Action Man look hairstyle”.

Vickie, meet up sounds good, start radiotherapy on 15th Feb. Hope rest of family don’t start with 2nd dose of tummy bug!

Take care


LOL - Vickie! Still waiting to see the ONC - supposed to be this week but not heard anything yet. Kinda been thinking things over myself - weighing up the pro’s and cons of tamox/zoladex and think i’ve had enough. So unless the onc can persuade me otherwse in the next couple of weeks i plan to come off the treatment. Its just not worth the torture for me. Whether this is ultimately the right decision only time will tell, but its what feels right for me right now.
Already feel tonnes better having made this decision - YEYY for empowerment!!!
Take care

hi everyone

how you all doing?

I,ve had my chemo moved from Christie’s to Oldham. This will make things much easier for me. It was such a slog going to Christie’s and sitting about all day.

What’s it like at Oldham? Have been told to go to the Victoria Unit, is this the new Christie building or is it the breast care unit?

Maria x

Hi Maria,
sorry to but in but I am qualified to answer your question ( a friend of Vickies we have the same onc and had our treatment at Oldham).
Chemo at Oldham is done in the Victoria breastcare unit. The clinic is downstairs and the chemo suite is on the first floor, it’s all very calm and the staff are lovely. Ususally there are some ladies from the WI around with tea and biscuits and doing nails while you wait. To compare the business of The Christie to the Victoria suite…well, there isn’t comparison really, mainly because The Christie deals with all types of cancer and so many people and the Victoria Unit is just breast cancer patients, so even though it’s very busy it’s not as busy as The Christie.
Hope that helps
Suze xx